Seed Exchange Availability – Spring 2011

Genus Species Cultivar Comments
Achillea grandifolia (?) This is the large form to 3-4′ with large plates of creamy white flowers
Achyls triphylla Native Vanilla Leaf; Herbacious ground cover
Aconitum napellus The big late monkshood from the borders
Aconitum `Ivorine` Nice; upright; almost-white monkshood hyb; 2-3′
Adlumia fungosa Climbing bleeding-heart; Biennial vine to 4′; choice
Adlumia fungosa Climbing bleeding-heart; biennial; to 8′
Aeoniopsis cabulica Monocarpic rock garden plant with the most curious mottled leaves
Agapanthus cv. Seed from A. ‘Streamline’
Agastache aurantiaca `Apricot Sprite` Good form; shorter and very floriferous
Agastache aurantiaca `Apricot Sprite` The dwarf orange flowered Agastache; true from seed?
Agastache aurantiaca `Apricot Sprite` Good dwarf form of the apricot orange flowered forms
Agastache aurantiaca Vigorous clone; light orange flowers
Agastache aurantiaca `Apricot Sprite` Soft; orange flowers; scented foliage; may not be dwarf from seed
Agastache foeniculum `Golden Jubilee` Chartreuse yellow leaves; light blue flowers; perennials; true from seed; isolated plants
Agastache rugosa `Golden Jubilee` This is the golden leaf form; comes true from seed
Agastache sp. “Tall upright to 18″”; pink and orange flowers”
Agastache sp. cv. “Pink; good light-grey foliage; upright; “”very nice plant”””
Agastache Acapulco Series Tall Agastache; orange flowers which fade to pink; sweet flavor
Agastache cv. Intense lavender pink fades to faded orange flowers. All agastaches are edible; but these are bitter; a choice plant.
Agastache cv. A very large; very perennial parent with heavy flowering of pink to some orange flowers
Alcea ficifolia Almost translucent yellow hollyhock; resistant to rust
Alcea ficifolia Good clear yellow hollyhock; resistant to rust
Alcea rosea Double white hollyhock
Alcea cv. Warm; pale maroon pink; probably some A. ficifolia parenting
Alchemilla ellenbeckii Nice; smaller clumping Lady’s Mantle
Alchemilla erythropoda Smaller version
Allium atropurpureum “Nice; tennis-ball sized heads on 2.5″” stems; E. OR city garden”
Allium caesium Soft grey to dark blue
Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum Award of garden merit; pink; nodding flowers
Allium cerulean Late flowering; blue flowers
Allium christophii Large heads of star-like purple flowers; dries nicely
Allium christophii Large heads of lavender purple flowers; Heads dry well
Allium christophii Large heads of star-like purple flowers; dries nicely
Allium cristophii Large lavender heads; will increase in good sun
Allium hollandicum `Purple Sensation’ Deep purple allium to 2’+; will increase and seed about some
Allium karataviense Short allium with striped leaves; forms a good sized bulb
Allium narcissiflorum ssp. insubricum Large flowers on a small plant; very choice; worth growing
Allium obliquum Tall; yellow; clumping allium
Allium schoenoprasum Chives
Allium schoenoprasum Chives; edible flowers too
Allium schoenprasum Chives; regular form
Allium schubertii Largest allium flower
Allium unifolium “Aggressive spreader; pink flowers on 10″” stems”
Allium vineale `Hair` A curiosity in flower; grows green hair above the flowers (bulbils; not seed)
Allium vineale `Hair` A curiosity in flower; grows green hair above the flowers (bulbils; not seed)
Amaranthus caudatus `Autumn Bliss` One of the newer amaranthus; annual; rusty autumn color
Amaranthus caudatus `Fat Spike` Large fat spikes of maroon red flowers; annual
Amaranthus caudatus `Love Lies Bleeding` Pendant rich red flower clusters; pink seed
Amaranthus caudatus Cream colored flower clusters; pink seed; annual
Amaranthus caudatus Love lies Bleeding; clusters of pendant rose pink flower clusters to 2′ long
Amaranthus caudatus Love lies upright; large panicles of maroon flowers 3’+
Amaranthus caudatus `Fat Spike` Wonderful fat maroon flower clusters
Amsonia tabernaemontana Long lived with blue star flowers on willowy foliage
Anamanthele lessoniana A nice grass in green; orange and tan; to about 2.5′; very graceful in seed
Anemone leveillei Small; white flowers on oddly straight stems; originally from Ted Milam
Anemone leveillei Small white flowers on stiff branching stems; seed cluster like a medieval weapon (Ted Milam)
Anemonella thalictroides White; single; foamy flowers; charming shade perennial
Angelica pachycarpa (hispanica) Glossy green leaves; flat top clusters of greenish flowers. This is the last of these seeds.
Angelica sylvestris “`Purpurea` syn.
`Vicar`s Mead`”
Biennial but does off-shoot well; deep burgundy foliage; pink flowers
Anomatheca laxa var. alba Small white flowers; iris like foliage
Anomatheca laxa Red flowers
Anthericum liliago St. Bernard’s lily; Increases well; small white flowers on 2-3′ stem
Anthericum ramosum This is the small clumping one; small star-ike white flowers above grassy foliage
Aquilegia formosa Long spurs; yellow-orange
Aquilegia formosa Long orange-red spurs; yellow center; to 4-1/2′
Aquilegia vulgaris `Magpie` William Guiness; Off red & dusty yellow; a wonderful columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris `Adelaide Addison` Wonderful fully-double; dark blue and white columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata Dark purple spurless columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris Giant plants with large blue flowers; lots of seeds
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata Nice; delicate pink spurless flowers
Aquilegia vulgaris Mixed columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris Pink and yellow; long-spurred; E. OR city garden
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata Mixed yellow; blue long spurs
Aquilegia vulgaris Long yellow spurs and orange corolla; very nice perennial; sow in place
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata Small double pink with overlapping darker bicolors on back.
Aquilegia vulgaris Deep blue; almost purple
Aquilegia vulgaris Pink columbine; broadcast
Aquilegia vulgaris Blue Columbine; broadcast
Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine mix
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata Pale pink spurless columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata White spurless columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata Mix of spurred and spurless clematiflora; purple; blue; white; pink
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata Small pale lavender flowers; spurless columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris Blue Columbine; broadcast
Aquilegia vulgaris Double purple columbine; broadcast
Aquilegia vulgaris Spurred and non-spurred
Aquilegia vulgaris Mixed spurred and unspurred; broadcast
Aquilegia vulgaris Mix of all colors and forms in Saskia’s garden; lots of seed to scatter
Aquilegia vulgaris Broad blue standard columbine
Aquilegia vulgaris Mixed colors
Aquilegia vulgaris Tall columbine mix
Aquilegia vulgaris Mix of large blue flowers; Primarily a single. Very nice large plants.
Aquilegia vulgaris Blue and white; strong plants
Aquilegia Mckana Group Hybrids Large flowers with long spurs; parent yellow with rose
Aquilegia Mckana Group Hybrids Long spurs and mixed colors
Argemone mexicana Mexican poppy; yellow flowers; more spines than others; Annie’s Annuals
Arisaema flavum small yellow hooded flowers can get to 3′ or so
Arisaema heterophyllum
Arisaema sikokianum Striking streaked upright pitchers with bright white interiors; choice
Arisaema tryphyllum ssp. pusillum
Arisaema utile
Armeria maritima `Brutus` Large white flowers; Thrift; England.
Arthropodium candidum purpureum “This is the bronze leaf form; tiny white flowers on 6-8″” stems”
Arum italicum Kevin’s Best; Nice marbled form; true from seed; conserve this!
Arum italicum subsp italicum v. `White Winter` Wonderful marbled leaves in spring; orange fruit in fall (dried berry)
Arum italicum Marbled foliage in winter & spring; Orange spikes of fruit in fall
Aruncus aesthusifolius Dwarf form of Goat’s beard; an excellent ground cover; will seed about some; white flowers; you will get male and female plants
Aruncus aethusifolius Dwarf form of Goat’s Beard; wonderful perennial
Asarina procumbens Chick-a-biddy vine; Pale yellow flowers; half hardy perennial
Asphodeline lutea Blue/grey grass-like foliage; yellow flowers on 3′ stalks
Asphodeline lutea Grassy blue foliage; Strong yellow flowrs on 3’+ spikes
Aster divaricatus The Wood Aster; blooms well in shade with white flowers on stems that sprawl on the ground
Aster divaricatus Wood aster; small white flower; will grow in shade; flops well
Aster divaricatus White aster with flopping stems; a great shade plant
Astrantia major `Hadspen Blood` Deep maroon red flowers
Astrantia major Large white bracts; very showy
Astrantia major White flowered form
Astrantia major Good reds and shaggy present in this garden; mix
Astrantia major Extremely large white flowers; some green on tips of bracts
Astrantia major White with green flowers have pincushion centers; Good cut flowers
Astrantia maxima Pink bracts
Beesia calthifolia Wonderful perennial with glossy green foliage. Sort of evergreen & curious flowers
Beesia calthifolia “Lovely woodland plant from China; Heart-shaped leaf w/ flowers 15″””
Beesia calthifolia Siny green heart-shaped leaves; tiny white flowers
Beesia “deltophylla
“A wonderful shade perennial. Leaves are mottled in spring; rich deep green all summer. 12-18″””
Begonia boliviensis Orange; red; showy all summer; annual; curious lop-sided flower structure
Begonia boliviensis Orange; red; showy all summer; annual; curious lop-sided flower structure
Berkheya purpurea Spring plant with large silver white flowers
Beschorneria septentrionalis large coarse plant with huge seed pots; from a pot in Sooest Garden
Billardiera longiflora Semi-evergreen vine with curious squarish blue fruit
Brassica oleracea “Originally from Russia via Jack Bucher; winter hardy; nice dark foliage to 5″””
Briza maxima Rattlesnake grass; annual ornamental; used in dried arrangements
Briza maxima Rattlesnake grass; annual ornamental; used in dried arrangements
Bupleurum fruticosum Evergreen shrub with chartreuse flowers very late in the season
Bupleurum rotundifolium “Chartreuse yellow flowers on 10″” stems; Annual”
Bupleurum salicifolium Taller perennial with chartreuse flower heads
Callendula officianalis “Old fashioned “”Pot Marigold””. Annual in oranges and yellows (Lyon Street)”
Camassia leichtlinii subsp. leichtlinii The single white camas; flower stems to about 2′
Campanula hanbusaya From the Marian Raitz Garden; Save this plant!
Campanula lactiflora Large plants; pale lavender blue; a very fine background plant
Campanula latifolia Blue bell-shaped flowers; longer than wide; long-lived perennial
Campanula medium “Cup and saucer in blue/rose/white; to 24-30″” tall”
Campanula persicifolia Good narrow leaf; Peach Leaf bellflower; blue flowers
Campanula persicifolia Peach Leaf bellflower; good perennial that can seed about
Campanula persicifolia `Alba` Peach leafed bell-flower
Cardamine enneaphylla A sweet perennial; spring ephemeral pale flowers; forms a curious mess of tuber-like roots
Cardiocrinum giganteum The largest lily; pendant; fragrant flowers on spikes that can get to 12′ or more
Carex glaucesens Easy growing blue-green leaf carex; will seed about some
Carex testacea Orange sedge; nice winter color
Caryopteris x clandonensis `Dark Night` Deciduous shrub with very dark blue flower spikes
Caryopteris x clandonensis `Dark Knight` A very dark blue flowered small deciduous shrub (Kirkland)
Cerinthe major `Purpurascens’ Honeywort; Strongly purple bracts on an arching annual (2′ spread) Bet plants germinate late winter.
Cerinthe major `Purpurascens’ Annual from the Mediterranean; Purple bracts; grey-green foliage (England)
Cerinthe major `Purpurascens’ Honeywort; Strongly purple bracts on an arching annual (2′ spread) Bet plants germinate late winter.
Chaerophyllum hirsutum `Roseum` Large clumping perennial with nice rosy pink umbels; similar to Queen Anne’s Lace; but softer.
Chaerophyllum hirsutum `Roseum` The soft pink flowered perennial with flowers like Queen Anne’s Lace
Chamaemelum sp. “Tall; scentless feverfew-like annual; single 1″” white flowers; 1/2″” yellow half-dome center”
Chenopodium album Epazote Fragrant seed and plants; Annual herb used in mexican cooking
Chenopodium album Epazote Fragrant seed and plants; Annual herb used in mexican cooking
Chenopodium ambrosoides Epazote Smell the seed; Annual herb used in mexican cooking
Chenopodium ambrosoides Epazote Annual herb used in mexican cooking
Chenopodium giganteum `Magenta Spreen` Tall annual; new leaves are edged in magenta. Lamb’s quarters. Youngest leaves are edible
Chionochloa rubra Extra seed from 2007; One of the best of NZ grasses
Chionochloa rubra Probably the best grass-like plant fron NZ. Thin evergreen foliage changes color in winter.
Chionochloa rubra Best of New Zealand Grasses; clean seed
Chrysanthemum maximum Seed from a nice large-flowered form of maximum (Not L. vlugaris)
Cimicifuga (Actea) simplex Atropurpurea Group `Black Negligee` Dark leafe snake root; fragrant late flowers (white)
Clematis recta `Peveril’ White starlike flowers; Non-vining. Parent of this herbaceous perennial is more compact than type. (NL)
Clerodendrum tricotomum Dried berry; tree to 20′ with fragrant white flowers and showy cerise red bracts; blue fruit
Commelina tuberosa “Coelestis Group; Very blue flowers; late summer; 18″” tall; Full sun; good drainage and winter dry”
Consolida ajacis Larkspur; double light blue
Consolida ajacis Larkspur; mostly blue annual; broadcast
Consolida ajacis Larkspur; mostly blue annual; broadcast
Convallaria majalis Perennial Lily of the Vally; extremely fragrant; vigorous spreading groundcover
Coptis omeiensis Slow growing; probably clumping; groundcover
Coreopsis grandiflora `Early Sunrise` “Double golden yellow flowers on 15″” stems”
Coriandrum sativum Coriander for seed or culinary use
Corydalis nobilis large coarse biennial or short-lived perennial; yellow flowers; grey-green foliage
Corydalis ochroleuca Very similar to C. lutea but with pale yellow flowers; Seeds about but not a problem.
Corydalis scouleri Our native Dutchman’s breeches; pink.
Corydalis semperviriens Short-lived but very sweet; pink flowers with a yellow tip; blue-grey foliage
Corydalis sp. “Bronze grey-green foliage; yellow flowers to 18″”; biennial or annual”
Cosmos bipinnatus `Sonata Pink` Annual; 2′ tall cosmos in a nice clear pink
Cosmos bipinnatus Annual from Annie’s Annuals; A wonderful yellow cosmos
Crithmum maritimum Samphire; Originally from Annie’s Annuals
Crocosmia x crocosmiflora `Emberglow’ Smaller dark red flowers later than ‘Lucifer’
Crocosmia `Lucifer` Tallest of the Crocosmias
Crocosmia `Lucifer` Large bright red flowers to 4′ tall
Crocosmia `Lucifer` Red flowers; strap like foliage
Cyclamen hederifolium Mixed colors of the fall-blooming hardy cyclamen
Cyclamen hederifolium Fall flowering will form very large tubers
Cynara cardunculus Cardoon; Large bold gray-green deeply divided leaves
Cynara cardunculus Cardoon. Spring stems as a vegetable; purple thistle like flowers (CUH)
Cytissus maderensis Bright yellow flowers on this pea-family shrub. Hardy to 36^
Dahlia `Bishop of Llandaff` Dark leaf Dahlia with very red flowers; semi double to 3′ (CUH)
Datisca cannabina One of the last perennials to 8′ plus; pendant clusters of greenish yellow flowers
Datura meteloides (inoxia) White up facing fragrant flowers; Jimson weed
Decaisnea fargesii “Caning shrub to 12’+; deciduous; fruit is blue and full of jelly “”Dead man’s fingers”””
Delphinium elatum Single; dark purple flower; parent of modern hybrids
Delphinium elatum Single dark purple flower; parent of modern hybrids
Delphinium requienii Glossy leaf; smoky blue; biennial or annual; not in production
Dianthus barbatus `Sooty’ Sweet William; Maroon-chocolate flowers
Dictamnus albus White flowered form of the ‘Gas Plant’; Long lived clumping perennial for full sun.
Dictamnus albus var. purpureus The ‘Gas Plant’ with very aromatic foliage and purple-pink flowers; Vertical habit 2-3′; very long lived.
Dictamnus purpurea The ‘Gas Plant’ with very aromatic foliage and purple-pink flowers; Vertical habit 2-3′; very long lived.
Dierama dracomontanum “Screaming hot pink; small stature to about 18″” high”
Dierama pulcherimum Nodding pink flowers on arching stems ‘Angel’s fishing wand’
Dierama pulcherimum Lavender pink pendant bells; ‘Angel’s fishing wand’
Dierama pulcherimum Rose pendant bells; ‘Angel’s fishing wand’
Dierama pulcherimum Deep purple flowers similar to `Blackbird’; ‘Angel’s fishing wand’
Dierama pulcherimum Nodding pink flowers on arching stems ‘Angel’s fishing wand’
Digitalis laevigata Soft orange yellow digitalis; smaller flowered and stiffer than D. purpurea
Digitalis lutea Nice strong perennial flower spikes to 3’+ and small yellow flowers
Digitalis purpurea `Alba` Pure white foxglove
Digitalis purpurea Pink foxgloves; lots of seed to broadcast
Digitalis purpurea Mixed colors
Digitalis thapsi `Spanish Peaks’ Very similar to D. purpurea; but shorter and more compact form of foxglove
Dioscorea batata “Bulbils; soak before planting; “”Cinnamon Vine””; perennial tuber; Named for flower scent”
Dodecatheon sp Pink flowered Shooting Star
Eccremocarpus scaber Light orange tubular flowers on this somewhat perennial vine
Eccremocarpus scaber Cerise-red; orange lip; Blooms all summer til frost; Perennial vine 6′ and up
Echinacea purpurea `Doppleganger` Purple coneflower with an extra set of small petals on top of the cone
Echinacea purpurea `Doppelganger` Coneflower with a pink top knot which usually shows the second year
Echinacea purpurea Mixed colors of cone flower
Epimedium campanulatum Perennial
Eranthis hyemalis Winter Aconite; spring ephemeral w/ yellow flowers
Eranthis hyemalis Small; spring ephemeral; will seed about some and form large colonies; yellow flowers
Eryngium agavifolium Thistle-like heads of small white flowers
Eryngium bourgattii Striking foliage and blue thistle-like flower heads
Eryngium planum `Jade Frost’ Variegated leaf. May be short lived; may not come true from seed.
Eryngium umbelliferum Spiky but not nasty flat foliage; Small pale flowers; from Kelly Dodson
Erythronium revolutum Pink fawn lily
Eschscholzia californica California popy mostly an orange bi-color from the Wallingford neighborhood
Eschscholzia sp. Small flowered; clean butter yellow; california poppy relative
Eucomis bicolor Pineapple Lily’ will form very large bulbs; named for flower scent
Eucomis bicolor Pineapple Lily’ will form very large bulbs; named for flower scent
Euonymus alatus Very heavy fruiting spindle bush; dried berry
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae Mrs. Robb’s Bonnet; Rare seed; hard to collect
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae Mrs. Robb’s Bonnet; Evergreen spreading perennial; good in dry shade
Euphorbia characias Large heads of chartreuse flowers; Perennial spurge
Euphorbia characias ssp. Wulfenii Evergreen spurge; blue-green leaves; large heads of chartreuse bracts and flowers
Euphorbia characias `Portuguese Velvet` Leaves are more hairy and plant is shorter than E. ch.
Euphorbia characias ssp. Wulfenii Large heads; chartreuse flowers; very large parent plant
Euphorbia characias subsp. Wulfenii A very large parent plant
Euphorbia characias ssp. Wulfenii Evergreen spurge; blue-green evergreen foliage to about 1.5′ topped by large heads of chartreuse flowers
Euphorbia characias Large heads of chartreuse flowers; Perennial spurge
Euphorbia robbiae `Mrs. Robb`s Bonnet` Evergreen spurge for dry shade
Euphorbia sp. A smaller form of E. schillingii; grey green foliage with a white line in center of leaf
Euphorbia stricta `Golden Foam` Pale green foliage; red stems; Annual; Rare; Great filler
Fagopyrum esculentum Buckwheat; clusters of white flowers; annual cover crop; full packets
Ferula communis Giant Fennel; Yellow flowers in rounded heads on stems up to 8′ tall
Fibigia clypeata Sometimes called bladder-pod for the curious lined-up roundish seed pods
Francoa ramosa Fairy Wand; Broad foliage; tiny flowers on a long stem
Francoa sonchifolia `Fairy wands` Shade flowering; many small white flowers on straight stems
Francoa sonchifolia Shade flowering; many small white flowers on straight stems
Francoa sonchifolia “Pink flowers on 24″” stems above rich green foliage”
Fremontodendron californicum CA native shrub with large golden yellow flowers
Fumaria officinalis Annual weaver from Europe; Pink flowers with blue lips
Fumaria officinalis Annual little weaver; pink with black lips
Fumaria officinalis Pale pink flowers with black lips; a charming annual weaver; to about 3′ or so
Fumaria sp. Bob’s little yellow weaver; annual; clusters of tiny pale flowers; rambles to about 4’+
Fumeria officinalis Annual weaver; pink flowers with black lips
Galtonia candicans Summer hyacinth; Pendant white flowers; to 3′ tall
Galtonia viridiflora Similar to; but shorter htan G. candicans; Almost green flowers
Gaura lindheimeri Pale pink flowers & red stems; Short lived perennial
Gentiana asclepiadea Blue flowers on this willow gentian
Gentiana asclepiadea Deep blue flowers on this willow gentian
Gentiana asclepiadea Deep blue tubular flowers on arching stems
Gentiana asclepiadea Deep blue flowers on this willow gentian
Geranium bohemicum* Annual vigorous Geranium; small blue flower(*probably)
Geranium pyrenaicum `Bill Wallis` Small very blue flowers; This is a very vigorous form of this plant; does seed around.
Geranium sanguineum Perennial geraniums ‘Bloody Cranesbill’
Geranium sp. `Brookside` Blue flowers; finely divided palmate leaves; will seed about some
Geum calthifolium
Gillenia trifoliata Excellen perennial to 3′ in shade; star like white flowers
Gladiolus communis Pink flowered; The wild Glad. From Italy (grassy fields)
Gladiolus papilio Hardy glad. That will spred; curious greenish flowers on 3’+ stems (very narrow foliage)
Glaucium flavum v. fulvum This is the dark orange horned poppy from Greece and the Mediterranean
Glaucium flavum Yellow flowered horn poppy sprawls to 2 x 2′; long curved seedpods; Mediterranean; Annie’s Annuals
Glaucium flavum or corniculatum The golden yellow horned poppy; very long seed pods
Gunnera perpensa “Smooth leaves 8-10″” across; 15-18″” tall. Rich green flower ‘cones’ below foliage”
Hacquetia epipactis Charming spring bloomer; yellow flowers age to green and persist to summer
Helleborus argutifolius It’s still from corsica; compact parent plant
Helleborus argutifolius (corsicus) Seed is from Marian’s very compact parent plant; choice
Helleborus argutifolius (corsicus) Large evergreen with chartreuse flowers
Helleborus corsicus Evergreen perennial with large clusters of green cuplike flowers (will be started in dry shade)
Helleborus corsicus (Argutifolius) Evergreen; Early spring flowers in bright green
Helleborus orientalis Cup shaped; pink; very nice; parent from NW Garden Nursery in OR
Helleborus orientalis Lenten Rose; White and Pink mix
Helleborus orientalis Mix
Helleborus orientalis Large pink flowers; Royal Heritage strain
Helleborus orientalis The lenten rose; Evergreen with Star shaped white flowers
Helleborus orientalis Red flowered lenten Rose; Evergreen perennial
Helleborus orientalis Chartreuse foliage; pale pink flowers with some spots; light green carpels
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus Yellow flowers
Helleborus orientalis Large scale plant; dark maroon flowers
Helleborus orientalis Mix
Helleborus orientalis Mauvy rose with narrow white edge
Helleborus orientalis Pink marbled double parent from Gisela Schmiemann; seeds are curiously brown
Helleborus orientalis Small cup-shaped flowers; veined rose pink
Helleborus orientalis Center star
Helleborus orientalis Beautiful glowing dark red
Helleborus orientalis Mixed darks parents from Gisela Schmiemann
Helleborus orientalis Big; vigorous white parent
Helleborus orientalis White uniform linear speckles ‘stitched’ wide white margin
Helleborus orientalis Slate-y green/tourquoise green face; Helleborus Torquatis parentage
Helleborus orientalis Best slate
Helleborus orientalis Anemone flowered parents
Helleborus orientalis Narrow leafed dark
Helleborus orientalis Late flowering; Gisela Schliemann Mix
Helleborus orientalis Mix; second generation
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus (orientalis) Dark center to sepals with a cream edge
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus Dark red center feathers to lines and a creamy edge; choice
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus Rose pink
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus Anemone centered mix nectaries are short petals
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus Bob’s favorite by stump
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus Dark red parent; originally from Gisela Schmiemann
Helleborus orientalis x hybridus Wide star-shaped with sepals darkly masked; very nice
Helleborus orientalis Mix
Helleborus orientalis Best dark speckled; light margin
Helleborus orientalis Pink mix
Helleborus orientalis Best star shaped white
Helleborus orientalis Mixed darks
Helleborus orientalis Good stitched flat open flower
Hemerocallis cv. `Stella d’Oro` Small flowers on a medium sized day lily
Heuchera villosa `Palace Purple` Purplish bronze evergreen foliage
Horminum pyrenaicum Deep blue flowers; a small scale plant
Hosta cv. Seed from H. `Ginko Craig’
Iberis umbellata Annual Candytuft; Mixed lavender; pink; and white; An easy self-sowing annual for the border edge
Iberis umbellata Annual candytuft; seeds about some; mixed colors; easy and a sweet plant
Iberis Annual candytuft; mixed colors
Impatiens glandulifera This is a big pink one; annual; Summer fragrance of apricots
Impatiens sp. “Annual pale yellow; “”Touch-me-not”” gets to to 2.5′”
Impatiens sp. Pale yellow large annual impatiens; hirsute leaves
Impatiens sp. Pale yellow with prominent maroon spots in throat; Annual; will seed about.
Incarvillea zhongdianensis Cerise flowers; Sun; good drainage; Originally from Ted Milam
Inula magnifica Late flowered large scale perennial; clustered yellow flowers
Iris siberica Mix; late harvest seeds
Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid Reddish purple; gold markings
Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid Blue with yellow
Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid Large clear blue flowers
Iris “Pacific Coast Hybrid
`Big Money`”
Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid Purple/white
Ixiolirion tataricum “Tartar lily; abundant clusters of up to 4 flowers on 16″” stem; grasslike leaves”
Kirengeshoma palmata The shuttlecock flower; long lived perennial yellow flowers; shade
Kirengeshoma palmata The shuttlecock flower; creamy yellow
Knautia macedonica Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about
Knautia macedonica Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about
Knautia macedonica Deep garnet colored pincushion flowers on tall thin stems to about 3/5′
Knautia macedonica Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about
Knautia macedonica Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about
Koelreuteria paniculata Large tree with curious inflated seed pods; very open if grown in shade
Lamium orvala Good clumping perennial with large pink flowers whorled at leaf axils
Lamium orvala Large pink flowers on this ‘dead nettle’; very nice perennial
Lamium orvala Large pink flowers on this ‘dead nettle’; very nice perennial
Lathyrus latifolius `White Pearl` Perennial pure white pea; no scent; very nice form
Lathyrus latifolius Perennial wild pink-white pea; no scent; Kirkland; WA;
Lathyrus odoratus Mixed colors; Tall
Lathyrus odoratus `Cupani` Dark reddish purple; extremely fragrant sweet pea; very old cultivar
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Black Knight’ Very dark flowered sweet pea
Lathyrus odoratus `April in Paris` Sweet pea
Lathyrus odoratus Dark Burgundy
Lathyrus odoratus Annual sweet pea; heritage mix
Lathyrus vernus Spring vetching; clumping perennial pea; blue-purple flowers
Lathyrus vernus Spring vetching; clumping perennial pea; blue-purple flowers
Lathyrus vernus `Filifolius’ The narrow grassy leaved form of spring vetchling; Choice clumping perennial; purple/blue; 1×2′ (England)
Lathyrus vernus The spring vetchling in purple; a very nice perennial
Lathyrus vernus Spring vetching; clumping perennial pea; blue-purple flowers
Lavatera x clementii Seed from reverted ‘L. Barnesley’
Lavendula angustifolia Seed from several cultivars of English lavender
Lavendula angustifolia `Royal Velvet` the darkest of the English Lavenders; lots of seed
Levisticum officinale Lovage; Perennial to 2.5′ or so
Lewisia columbiana Native Lewisia
Lewisia cotyledon Mixed colors; full range including white
Lewisia cotyledon Mix of all colors; evergreen perennial performs well in pots
Lewisia cotyledon A narrow leaf; compared to L. cotyledon; but these are probably hybrid seeds of the above
Lewisia cotyledon/columbiana Mix of all colors
Lewisia cotyledoncolumbiana mixed colors and species
Liatris spicata Purple ‘Texas Gay Feather’ forms woody underground root
Lilium martagon Seed from New Zealand hybrids; lots of seed
Lilium sp. 5-6′ tall; pink recurved flowers
Lilium `Martagon’ Dark and light mix
Limonium sp. Perennial small scale statice; small pale blue flowers
Linaria purpurea `Natalie` A very nice lavender toadflax; A bit more behaved than the type; sets very little seed
Linaria purpurea Tiny blue-purple snapdragon-like flowers on 3′ spikes; very linear foliage
Linaria purpurea Lavender purple to about 2.5′; good for poor soil; seeds about
Linaria purpurea Standard violet color; linear grey-green foliage
Lobelia cardinalis `Queen Victoria` Very dark red flowers and deep maroon foliage; A nice contrast in the border; Bait for slugs
Lobelia cardinalis `Queen Victoria` Maroon foliage and intensly red flowers on this perennial; for moist locations
Lobelia tupa Large; stately perennial with curiously shaped red flowers on stems to 3’+
Lunaria annua “var. albi flora
`Alba Variegata`”
Annual Honesty; seed in fall
Lunaria annua `Variegata` “with “”pink”” (light lavender purple) flowers”
Lunaria annua `Rosmary Verey` Purple foliage and darker flowers; a very choice form of Honesty
Lunaria annua `Variegata` White and green variegated foliage with regular purple flowers; Biennial Honesty
Lunaria rediviva Perennial Honesty; spice scented flowers
Lunaria rediviva The perennial Honesty; fragrant lavender to white flowers
Lupinus cv. “Dwarf lupine; 18-24″”; mixed colors”
Lupinus `Morello Cherry`
Lupinus Russell Hybrids “Lupine to 36-48″” tall; mixed colors”
Lupinus Russell Hybrid; pink parent
Lychnis chalcedonica Maltese Cross flower; pink form; 1-2′
Lychnis chalcedonica Maltese cross plant
Lychnis coronaria Grey foliage; pink flowers (Agrostemma)
Lychnis coronaria White form of Rose Campion; Plants NOT isolated
Lychnis coronaria Rose Campion dark magenta pink; grey basal leaves
Lychnis x haageana Lumina Series Salmon; dwarf campion
Lysimachia ephemerum Good grey blue foliage; white flowers; parent is growing on a log in the lake
Lysimachia ephemerum Small white flowers on spikes above variable blue-grey foliage; forms large clumps
Lysimachia ephemerum Blue grey foliage; clumping perennial; small white flowers
Lysimachia yunanensis Small white flowers; grayish maroon foliage; small stature perennial
Lysimachia yunanensis Grey-green foliage with spikes of small light pink flowers; red round seedpods; 2.5′
Macleaya cordata Plume poppy to 8′; rarely sets seed. Large blue grey leaves. Don’t compost root.
Malva moschata f. alba White mallow with small clear white hollyhock-like flowers; No rust; very perennial
Malva sp. Wild native mallow; very bright white
Mathiola Purple flowered perennial stock; extremely fragrant; semi-woody; short lived; Loghouse plants
Mathiola Semi-woody perennial Stock; Silvery gray foliage; fragrant
Mathiola Semi-woody perennial Stock; Silvery gray foliage; fragrant
Mathiola Fragrant flowers on this semi-woody; white flowered perennial; Striking gray-green wide foliage
Matthiola Purple flowered perennial; semi woody perennial stock; short lived; very fragrant
Meconopsis betonicifolia Himalayan blue poppy
Meconopsis cambrica Yellow flowered welsh poppy
Meconopsis cambrica Orange Welsh poppy; Perennial; will seed about
Meconopsis cambrica Yellow Welsh poppy; Perennial; will seed about
Meconopsis cambrica `Muriel Brown` Double red-orange; shy seeder; but seeds about true
Meconopsis cambrica Mixed orange & yellow
Meconopsis cambrica Yellow poppy-like flowers; scent of banana popsicles
Meconopsis cambrica All yellow population; perennial flowers have the scent of banana popsicles
Milium effusum `Aureum` Bowles golden grass; very flowery; short lived; seeds about some
Milium effusum `Aureum` Golden grass; semi-perennial; light and airy when in seed
Millium effusum `Aureum` Bowles golden grass; very flowery; short lived; seeds about some
Mimulus cardinalis “Golden-orange 1.5″” flowers; lanky growth. Once sold as ‘Golden Foam'”
Mirabilis jalapa Dark pinks & reds; Four o’ Clocks; Hardy with large perennial root; Fragrant in evening
Mirabilis jalapa Mixed; Four o’ Clocks; Makes a very large perennial root
Mirabilis jalapa Pink; light cerise; Four o’ Clocks
Mirabilis jalapa Mix of reds & magentas mostly; Four o’clocks; forms a woody perennial root
Mirabilis jalapa Hot pink; Four o’ Clocks
Mitella breweri (Native B. C.) green flowers on very thin stems; evergreen ground-cover for shade
Monarda didyma Red-flowered Bee Balm
Muscari armeniacum `Valerie Finnis` Light blue grape hyacinth
Muscari armeniacum `Valerie Finnis` Light blue grape hyacinth
Muscari armeniacum `Valerie Finnis` Light blue grape hyacinth
Nectaroscordum siculum Allium relative w/ nodding pink green&cream flowers in clusters on 2′ stems. Seed is rare
Nepeta `Six Hills Giant` Large bright blue flowered Nepeta to about 2.5′; Perennial
Nicandra physalodes Plain Form Shoo fly plant; Annual; curious rattling seed pods
Nicandra physalodes Variegated Form Shoo fly plant; Annual; curious rattling seed pods
Nicotiana alata Nice large flowers; mauve with a green back
Nicotiana alata “To about 18″”; Annual but can live over; Creamy green outside; dusty pink inside”
Nicotiana alata Tall form 3′; white
Nicotiana alata `Limelight’ Large green flowers on this Annual
Nicotiana alata `Perfume Antique Lime` Flowering Tobacco; annual
Nicotiana alata Flowering Tobacco hybrid; 8′ to 3’+; Brick and Green
Nicotiana glutinosa Stif plant with green and sort of red flowers; to 2′ tall
Nicotiana knightiana Sometimes sold as ‘Green Tears’; Annual; very nice; somewhat out-facing two-toned green tubes
Nicotiana knightiana Small green tubular flowers; Annual; N. k. `Green Tears`
Nicotiana langsdorffii “Green flowers on a 24″” plant “
Nicotiana langsdorffii “Green flowers on a 24″” plant “
Nicotiana mutabilis Flowering tobacco; semi-perennial; hot pink; pale pink; & white flowers at same time
Nicotiana mutabilis x of langsdorfii & alata? Small green tube red flare
Nicotiana mutabilis Flowering Tobacco; Pink; dark pink; and white flowers at same time. May be perennial if dry t hrough winter
Nicotiana sylvestris Pendant fragrant white tubes; semi perennial. Very nice; to 6′
Nicotiana sylvestris The best for fragrance; can be perennial to 5′ plus long tubular pendant white flowers
Nigella damascena “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast”
Nigella damascena “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast”
Nigella damascena “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast”
Nigella damascena “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast”
Nigella damascena White and blue love in a mist
Nigella damascena “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast”
Ocimum basilicum Basil; the herb. Large leaf.
Ocimum basilicum Italian large leaf basil; annual
Ocimum cv. Mrs. Barnes Lemon Basil
Oenothera versicolor `Sunset Boulevard` A strong color for Evening Primrose
Omphalodes linifolia Annual navalword; very sweet to seed in rough sunny areas (England)
Ophiopogon planiscapus `Nigrescens` Black Mondo Grass; winter harvest; about 75% black seedlings
Ophiopogon planiscapus `Nigrescens` Black mondo grass; washed seed; some green seedlings; evergreen and slowly spreading
Origanum vulgare `Aureum` Golden Oregano; gold-green foliage
Orlaya grandiflora Annual with lacy white flowers; very nice; originally from Terrapin Gardens
Pachyphragma macrophyllum Fairly large round leaves; white flowers in spring; dies down by summer
Pachyphragma macrophyllum Semi-evergreen perennial groundcover with white flowers above foliage
Pachyphragma macrophyllum Semi-evergreen perennial groundcover with white flowers above foliage
Paeonia mlokosewitschii Molly the Witch; very choice species peony; pale yellow
Paeonia mlokosewitschii Pale yellow peony; Molly the witch; 5 seeds
Papaver atlanticum “Perennial poppy; single orange flowers on thin 12″” stems”
Papaver atlanticum “Perennial poppy; single orange flowers on thin 12″” stems”
Papaver atlanticum “Perennial poppy; single orange flowers on thin 12″” stems”
Papaver atlanticum `Flore Pleno` Double orange poppy; long thin stems above foliage
Papaver beesii Small orange/salmon flower
Papaver orientale Perennial single orange poppy; large flowers w/ petals like crepe paper
Papaver orientale Often called the Crepe Paper Poppy; Ruffled and frilled; perennial
Papaver orientale `Prince of Orange` Perennial oriental poppy
Papaver somniferum Shades of purple and lilac with dark blotch at base of petals
Papaver somniferum Double black peony type
Papaver somniferum Double black poppy
Papaver somniferum Fringed double red& black; may be `Boudoir Babe`
Papaver somniferum `Boudoir Babe` Aptly named dark maroon and reddish purple; isolated populations; one of the best
Papaver somniferum `Boudoir Babe` Aptly named dark maroon and reddish purple; isolated populations; one of the best
Papaver somniferum Mixed; unknown source
Papaver somniferum Double shredded China Red with a small dark blotch on outside petals
Papaver somniferum Lavender single poppy
Papaver somniferum Medium light pink with purple blotch
Papaver somniferum Pink with purple blotches; single
Papaver somniferum Medium pale pink with purple blotch; annual
Papaver somniferum Warm orange pink; annual
Papaver somniferum Bright pink with black blotches at base
Papaver somniferum Double pink annual popy
Papaver somniferum Lavender with black blotch/center; Annual
Papaver somniferum Single pink with purple blotch at base of petals; most common color in Seattle
Papaver somniferum `Boudoir Babe` Dark purple and red semi-laced double; mostly isolated plants
Papaver somniferum Medium purple single poppy
Papaver somniferum Single fringed red poppy; annual
Papaver somniferum Single dark purple poppy; annual
Papaver somniferum Mixed single poppies
Papaver somniferum Single mix; lots of seed to broadcast
Papaver somniferum Light lavender with darker lotch at the base of petals
Papaver somniferum Single China Red with dark blotch at base of petals; annual
Papaver somniferum Small single orange sherbet flowers on 2.5′ stems
Papaver somniferum Mixed colors; purple; lavender & double red
Papaver somniferum Mixed colors
Papaver somniferum `Lauren Springer Grape` Annual; dark purple; dark blotch; isolated; blue grey foliage
Peltoboykinia watanabei Large; palmate leaved shade perennial to 1′; creamy flowers
Penstemon barbatus var. praecox f. nanus `Rondo` “Pink with a white throat; short lived perennial 10-12″” tall”
Penstemon barrettiae Soft blue flowers; Evergreen
Penstemon barrettiae Evergreen spreading penstemon; blue to violet-blue flowers
Penstemon heterophyllus Zuriblau / Blue of Zurich Very nice sky blue; Perennial
Penstemon strictus An easy to grow blue penstemon; this one has aromatic seeds
Penstemon strictus(?) Nice blue perennial Penstemon
Penstemon `Midnight` Dark blue; perennial but short-lived
Penstemon `Elvin Pink`
Persicaria orientalis Annual to 6′; cerise pink flowers; first crop; Kiss me over the garden gate`
Persicaria orientalis Annual to 8’+ with pendant; light pink flower clusters
Persicaria polymorpha Plant to about 4′ with large clusters of white flowers; likes lots of water
Persicaria virginiana American perennial; small red flowers on thin stems; brown chevron on green leaves
Persicaria virginiana Nice perennial with many tiny; red flowrs on terminal spikes; green leaves have brown chevron
Peucedanum verticillare Umbel; Originally Piet Oudolf
Phaseolus cv. Yellow and green French Fillet beans; black seeds; mixed
Phlomis purpurea Grey-green evergreen small shrub; lavender pink flowers in summer
Phytolacca americana Pokeweed. To 10′; Hot pink stems; black fruit
Polemonium caeruleum Jacob’s ladder Perennial clear blue flowers
Polygonatum verticillatum Very tall Solomon’s seal with whorled leaves and red fruit (dried berry)
Polygonatum `Blushing Purple` Perennial for shade (dried berry); pale purple blush on flowers
Potentilla atrosanguinea Small blood-red flowers
Potentilla fragariiformis Large soft grey-green leaves and big yellow flowers; a very choice perennial (megalantha)
Potentilla recta var. sulphurea “Lots of small yellow flowers on 18″” semi lax stems; can seed about”
Potentilla thurberi Silver foliage; small red flowers; originally from Botanica
Potentilla thurberi “Small red flowers on arching 18″” stems all summer. Nice coarse grayish foliage (orig. from Botanica)”
Potentilla `Don’s Silver` (Argentina anserina) Incredible silver foliage; small yellow flowers (Annie’s Annuals; discontinued)
Potentilla `Melton Fire` Aptly named; intensly colored
Potentilla `Red Velvet` Very small red flowers on 2′ stems aboved toothed slightly grey-green foliage
Primula florindae Yellow & buff flowers in umbels on 2′ stems; very fragrant; will grow in wet locations
Primula helodoxa (prolifera); Farinose Primrose with yellow flowers in cluster on 1-1.5′ stems
Primula japonica Dark pink to dark magenta candelabra primrose; Can take wet feet; bait for slugs
Primula japonica Red candelabra primrose; likes moist soil
Primula japonica Mixed colors; Candelabra Primrose; pinks and splits
Primula japonica Dark red candelabra primrose; will take wet ground
Primula vialii Curious primrose with a conical spike of flowers
Rehmannia elata Perennial for shade; large pink flowers; Chinese Foxglove
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii `Goldsturm` Bright golden yellow Black Eyed Susan; spreading perennial to 2′ high in flower
Rudbeckia fulgida v. Sullivantii `Goldsturm` Black-eyed Susan; spreading perennial; 2′ stems dark green foliage
Ruellia equisetiformis Very linear plant with small green leaves and stems; small tubular red flowers (DeGrow)
Ruta graveolens `Variegata` Probably not variegated from seed
Salvia argenta “Big felty basal leaves; white flowers on 24″” infloresence”
Salvia argentea “Big felty basal leaves; white flowers on 24″” infloresence”
Salvia argentea Broad gray fuzzy leaves at the base with white flowers on 2.5′ spikes
Salvia coahuilensis “Deep purple small fragrant flowrs; narrow leaves; low plants; 15″” stalks”
Salvia dolichantha 2.5 feet; from Ted Milam
Salvia forsskaolii Large basal leaves; good sized flowers on widely branched stems
Salvia forsskaolii Coarse vigorous plants; stiff stems with large leaves; lots of large blue flowers with white center on tip
Salvia hypergeia Turkey; Felty gray leaves to 1′; lavender blue with white lip; unusual cream-colored seed
Salvia microphylla `Red Velvet` Deep red flowers on woody plant with very thin stems
Salvia microphylla (?) Pale pink flowers on woody plant
Salvia officinalis `Berggarten` A nice large leaf form of common sage
Salvia patens `Lavender Lady` Very floriferous & perennial; One of Smarty Plants’ best salvias (C. Moffit)
Salvia patens `Lavender Lady` Pale lavender blue; a wonderful color; perennial originally from Smarty Plants
Salvia patens Good blue; very large flowers; Perennial if a bit dry in winter
Salvia praeclara Small red flowers on a 3′ plant
Salvia sp. Early blooming pink; finishes by June
Salvia sp. Small plant with small red flowers; probably an annual; very floriferous
Salvia sp. Large blue-lilac flowers; white lip; Perennial; large seed
Salvia sp. Green leaf with deep blue flowers; very nice
Salvia sp. “To 5′; Sky blue flowers 1/2″” with white blotches on lip; Almost heart-shaped leaf; perennial”
Salvia spathacea Cerise pink flowers aromatic foliage; very sticky
Salvia verticillata `Purple Rain` Nice dark lavender blue on dense spikes
Salvia cv. Small very dark blue-purple flowers all summer; very dark foliage; choice.
Salvia `Berzerkley` Similar to Salvia gregii; cherry red flowers; vigorous & nice
Sandersonia aurantiaca Tender plant; translucent pendant orange lantern-like flowers
Sanguisorba sp. Large dark green compound leaves; light red bottle-brush flowers
Saruma henryi Heart-shaped leaves emerge steely-green in spring; small shy yellow flowers
Saruma henryi Curious shade perennial; pale yellow flowers; foliage emerges in spring with gray hairy leaves; turns green
Scabiosa atropurpurea `Ace of Spades’ Dark Maroon. Perennial; seeds about a bit;
Scabiosa ochroleuca Fine foliage; tall thin stems topped by small yellow pincushion flowers (S. Columbiana ssp ochroleuca)
Scabiosa sp Fine; thin foliage; yellow pin-cushion flowers
Scrophularia auriculata Green leaf form; small dark red flowrs; bees love this plant
Sidalcea malvaflora `Party Girl` “Bright pink small hollyhock-like flowers 36″” tall perennial”
Sisyrinchium idahoense var. bellum Blue-eyed grass Deep blue late spring
Sisyrinchium idahoense Purple flowers on this ‘blue eyed grass’
Sisyrinchium idahoense var. bellum Blue eyed grass
Sisyrinchium striatum Iris-like foliage; yellow flowers on 2′ spikes; very floriferous; seeds about some
Smyrnium perfoliatum Perennial and self-sower; looks like Euphorbia’s chartreuse bracts. Seedlings go dormant abruptly
Smyrnium perfoliatum Chartreuse flower heads similar to Euphorbia; but without the milky sap; dies down in summer
Smyrnium perfoliatum “Chartreuse and bright yellow flowers 18-24″” tall; somewhat ephemeral; goes dormant in summer;”
Smyrnium perfoliatum “Chartreuse and bright yellow flowers 18-24″” tall; somewhat ephemeral; goes dormant in summer;”
Smyrnium perfoliatum Chartreuse flower heads; seeds about well; may be monocarpic
Solanum atropurpureum Black-thorned ornamental pepper; thorns everywhere and small orange fruit
Solanum atropurpureum This one has black thorns; small red fruits
Solanum aviculare “””Kangaroo Apple””; large subshrub to 6-8′; bright purple blue flowers with yellow stamens; golden fruit”
Solanum aviculare “Laciniatum; “”Kangaroo Apple””; A large semi-woody; semi-hardy plant; 2″” purple flowers followed by orange fruit”
Stachys albotomentosa `Hidalgo` Gray felty leaves on an angular plant; Salmon flowers; aromatic foliage
Stachys monieri Nice compact dark green-leaved plant with mauve pink pink flowers in short spikes
Stachys `Hidalgo` Felted grey-green foliage and quite orange flowers; short lived perennial
Stipa tenuissima Mexican feather grass; short-lived graceful grass; will seed about
Styrax japonica Larger leaf and larger flowers than type; tree to 25′ or so
Talinum paniculatum `Kingswood Gold` Jewels of Opar; Chartreuse foliage; Branched stems of tiny pink flowers; then little red seed pods; Annual
Talinum paniculatum Dwarf form Jewels of Opar; chartreuse foliage tiny pink flowers;
Tanacetum niveum Grey foliage and white flowers
Tanacetum parthenium Single white flowers; green foliage
Tanacetum parthenium `Aureum` Golden Feverfew; bright chartreuse spring foliage; seeds about some.
Tanecetum parthenium `Aureum’ Golden Feverfew; seeds about a bit
Teucrium flavum Somewhat yellow flowers on a mostly evergreen; choice plant
Teucrium flavum dark green leaves; pale yellow flowers
Thalictrum acquilegifolium Vary tall parent; lilac to white flowers
Thalictrum delavayi Very good parent to 6′ tall; clean seed
Thalictrum rochebrunianum Meadow Rue; 6-8′ x 2′
Thalictrum rochebrunianum Tall meadoe rue to 6’+
Thermopsis caroliniana Yellow pea flowers above foliage (villosa)
Tiarella wherryi Very nice as a shade ground cover; tiny white flowers on spike above foliage
Tigridia pavonia Mexican shell flower; grow in soil that is a bit dry in winter
Todea barbara Curious mustard relative; variegated foliage; short lived
Trillium erectum
Trollius sp. Globe flower; yellow blossoms; tall perennial to 2.5′
Tropaeolum majus Nice light cream yellow nasturtium
Tulbaghia violacea `Alba` Society garlic with white flowers; very aromatic foliage
Tulipa sprengeri Good perennial tulip
Tulipa tarda Small species tulip
Tulipa cv. Old style lily-flowered yellow; section 7
Tweedia caerulea Tender climber; A curious plant with a true sky blue flower; seeds and pods like milkweed (Annie’s Annuals)
Tweedia caerulea Bright blue flowers; short lived perennial; 1-2` tall; curious seed pod
Vancouveria hexandra Our native ground-cover; spreads well; upside-down white flower
Vancouveria hexandra “Our native deciduous groundcover; Aggressive; “”Upside-down flower”””
Verbascum chaixi `Album` Dark green leaves; narrow spikes of white flowers
Verbascum sp. Airy complex flower structure with small yellow flowers; very nice; originally from Greece
Verbascum thapsus The plain & simple Mullein; green felted leaves; yellow flowers on 2.5-4; spikes; Biennial
Verbascum thapsus Common mullein; tall spikes of yellow flowers; will seed about some
Verbascum thapsus Yellow flowered common mullein
Verbena bonariensis The Scrim Plant to 3’+; Light purple flowers all summer
Verbena bonariensis A great short lived plant; purple flowers used as a scrim; late color
Verbena bonariensis Light purple flowers on tall branching stems; the best of all scrim plants; seeds about a bit
Veronica perfoliata Parahebe; semi-evergreen perennial; small spikes of lavender flowers at end of foliage
Viola adunca Native aggressive viola for under Rhodies or other wastelands; lavender pink
Viola labradorica Strong growing and seeding ground cover. Dark foliage; lavender/purple flowrs
Wahlenbergia congesta Small blue flowers; Originally from Annie’s Annuals
Wahlenbergia sp. Perennial; basal leaves; roundish; rock garden plant; spikes of light blue flowers
Xanthorhiza simplicissima Yellow root; dark flowers; spreads underground; a very nice short woody plant
Zaluzianskya capensis Evening scented phlox; annual; incredible scent
Zanthoxylum simulans Tall shrub; pinnate leaves; good fall color; red warty seed pods; glossy black; oily seeds
Zigadenus elegans Tall spikes of small green/cream flowers above iris-like foliage
Zinnia `Cherry Profusion` “Cherry red to 12-18″” tall; annual”
“Black Millet; soft inflorescence is black; 12″”+”

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