Seed Exchange Availability – Spring 2011
Genus | Species | Cultivar | Comments |
Achillea | grandifolia (?) | This is the large form to 3-4′ with large plates of creamy white flowers | |
Achyls | triphylla | Native Vanilla Leaf; Herbacious ground cover | |
Aconitum | napellus | The big late monkshood from the borders | |
Aconitum | `Ivorine` | Nice; upright; almost-white monkshood hyb; 2-3′ | |
Adlumia | fungosa | Climbing bleeding-heart; Biennial vine to 4′; choice | |
Adlumia | fungosa | Climbing bleeding-heart; biennial; to 8′ | |
Aeoniopsis | cabulica | Monocarpic rock garden plant with the most curious mottled leaves | |
Agapanthus | cv. | Seed from A. ‘Streamline’ | |
Agastache | aurantiaca | `Apricot Sprite` | Good form; shorter and very floriferous |
Agastache | aurantiaca | `Apricot Sprite` | The dwarf orange flowered Agastache; true from seed? |
Agastache | aurantiaca | `Apricot Sprite` | Good dwarf form of the apricot orange flowered forms |
Agastache | aurantiaca | Vigorous clone; light orange flowers | |
Agastache | aurantiaca | `Apricot Sprite` | Soft; orange flowers; scented foliage; may not be dwarf from seed |
Agastache | foeniculum | `Golden Jubilee` | Chartreuse yellow leaves; light blue flowers; perennials; true from seed; isolated plants |
Agastache | rugosa | `Golden Jubilee` | This is the golden leaf form; comes true from seed |
Agastache | sp. | “Tall upright to 18″”; pink and orange flowers” | |
Agastache | sp. | cv. | “Pink; good light-grey foliage; upright; “”very nice plant””” |
Agastache | Acapulco Series | Tall Agastache; orange flowers which fade to pink; sweet flavor | |
Agastache | cv. | Intense lavender pink fades to faded orange flowers. All agastaches are edible; but these are bitter; a choice plant. | |
Agastache | cv. | A very large; very perennial parent with heavy flowering of pink to some orange flowers | |
Alcea | ficifolia | Almost translucent yellow hollyhock; resistant to rust | |
Alcea | ficifolia | Good clear yellow hollyhock; resistant to rust | |
Alcea | rosea | Double white hollyhock | |
Alcea | cv. | Warm; pale maroon pink; probably some A. ficifolia parenting | |
Alchemilla | ellenbeckii | Nice; smaller clumping Lady’s Mantle | |
Alchemilla | erythropoda | Smaller version | |
Allium | atropurpureum | “Nice; tennis-ball sized heads on 2.5″” stems; E. OR city garden” | |
Allium | caesium | Soft grey to dark blue | |
Allium | carinatum | ssp. pulchellum | Award of garden merit; pink; nodding flowers |
Allium | cerulean | Late flowering; blue flowers | |
Allium | christophii | Large heads of star-like purple flowers; dries nicely | |
Allium | christophii | Large heads of lavender purple flowers; Heads dry well | |
Allium | christophii | Large heads of star-like purple flowers; dries nicely | |
Allium | cristophii | Large lavender heads; will increase in good sun | |
Allium | hollandicum | `Purple Sensation’ | Deep purple allium to 2’+; will increase and seed about some |
Allium | karataviense | Short allium with striped leaves; forms a good sized bulb | |
Allium | narcissiflorum | ssp. insubricum | Large flowers on a small plant; very choice; worth growing |
Allium | obliquum | Tall; yellow; clumping allium | |
Allium | schoenoprasum | Chives | |
Allium | schoenoprasum | Chives; edible flowers too | |
Allium | schoenprasum | Chives; regular form | |
Allium | schubertii | Largest allium flower | |
Allium | unifolium | “Aggressive spreader; pink flowers on 10″” stems” | |
Allium | vineale | `Hair` | A curiosity in flower; grows green hair above the flowers (bulbils; not seed) |
Allium | vineale | `Hair` | A curiosity in flower; grows green hair above the flowers (bulbils; not seed) |
Amaranthus | caudatus | `Autumn Bliss` | One of the newer amaranthus; annual; rusty autumn color |
Amaranthus | caudatus | `Fat Spike` | Large fat spikes of maroon red flowers; annual |
Amaranthus | caudatus | `Love Lies Bleeding` | Pendant rich red flower clusters; pink seed |
Amaranthus | caudatus | Cream colored flower clusters; pink seed; annual | |
Amaranthus | caudatus | Love lies Bleeding; clusters of pendant rose pink flower clusters to 2′ long | |
Amaranthus | caudatus | Love lies upright; large panicles of maroon flowers 3’+ | |
Amaranthus | caudatus | `Fat Spike` | Wonderful fat maroon flower clusters |
Amsonia | tabernaemontana | Long lived with blue star flowers on willowy foliage | |
Anamanthele | lessoniana | A nice grass in green; orange and tan; to about 2.5′; very graceful in seed | |
Anemone | leveillei | Small; white flowers on oddly straight stems; originally from Ted Milam | |
Anemone | leveillei | Small white flowers on stiff branching stems; seed cluster like a medieval weapon (Ted Milam) | |
Anemonella | thalictroides | White; single; foamy flowers; charming shade perennial | |
Angelica | pachycarpa | (hispanica) Glossy green leaves; flat top clusters of greenish flowers. This is the last of these seeds. | |
Angelica | sylvestris | “`Purpurea` syn. `Vicar`s Mead`” |
Biennial but does off-shoot well; deep burgundy foliage; pink flowers |
Anomatheca | laxa | var. alba | Small white flowers; iris like foliage |
Anomatheca | laxa | Red flowers | |
Anthericum | liliago | St. Bernard’s lily; Increases well; small white flowers on 2-3′ stem | |
Anthericum | ramosum | This is the small clumping one; small star-ike white flowers above grassy foliage | |
Aquilegia | formosa | Long spurs; yellow-orange | |
Aquilegia | formosa | Long orange-red spurs; yellow center; to 4-1/2′ | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | `Magpie` | William Guiness; Off red & dusty yellow; a wonderful columbine |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | `Adelaide Addison` | Wonderful fully-double; dark blue and white columbine |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | Dark purple spurless columbine |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Giant plants with large blue flowers; lots of seeds | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | Nice; delicate pink spurless flowers |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Mixed columbine | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Pink and yellow; long-spurred; E. OR city garden | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | Mixed yellow; blue long spurs |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Long yellow spurs and orange corolla; very nice perennial; sow in place | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | Small double pink with overlapping darker bicolors on back. |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Deep blue; almost purple | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Pink columbine; broadcast | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Blue Columbine; broadcast | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Columbine mix | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | Pale pink spurless columbine |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | White spurless columbine |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | Mix of spurred and spurless clematiflora; purple; blue; white; pink |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | var. stellata | Small pale lavender flowers; spurless columbine |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Blue Columbine; broadcast | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Double purple columbine; broadcast | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Spurred and non-spurred | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Mixed spurred and unspurred; broadcast | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Mix of all colors and forms in Saskia’s garden; lots of seed to scatter | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Broad blue standard columbine | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Mixed colors | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Tall columbine mix | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Mix of large blue flowers; Primarily a single. Very nice large plants. | |
Aquilegia | vulgaris | Blue and white; strong plants | |
Aquilegia | Mckana Group Hybrids | Large flowers with long spurs; parent yellow with rose | |
Aquilegia | Mckana Group Hybrids | Long spurs and mixed colors | |
Argemone | mexicana | Mexican poppy; yellow flowers; more spines than others; Annie’s Annuals | |
Arisaema | flavum | small yellow hooded flowers can get to 3′ or so | |
Arisaema | heterophyllum | ||
Arisaema | sikokianum | Striking streaked upright pitchers with bright white interiors; choice | |
Arisaema | tryphyllum | ssp. pusillum | |
Arisaema | utile | ||
Armeria | maritima | `Brutus` | Large white flowers; Thrift; England. |
Arthropodium | candidum | purpureum | “This is the bronze leaf form; tiny white flowers on 6-8″” stems” |
Arum | italicum | Kevin’s Best; Nice marbled form; true from seed; conserve this! | |
Arum | italicum | subsp italicum v. `White Winter` | Wonderful marbled leaves in spring; orange fruit in fall (dried berry) |
Arum | italicum | Marbled foliage in winter & spring; Orange spikes of fruit in fall | |
Aruncus | aesthusifolius | Dwarf form of Goat’s beard; an excellent ground cover; will seed about some; white flowers; you will get male and female plants | |
Aruncus | aethusifolius | Dwarf form of Goat’s Beard; wonderful perennial | |
Asarina | procumbens | Chick-a-biddy vine; Pale yellow flowers; half hardy perennial | |
Asphodeline | lutea | Blue/grey grass-like foliage; yellow flowers on 3′ stalks | |
Asphodeline | lutea | Grassy blue foliage; Strong yellow flowrs on 3’+ spikes | |
Aster | divaricatus | The Wood Aster; blooms well in shade with white flowers on stems that sprawl on the ground | |
Aster | divaricatus | Wood aster; small white flower; will grow in shade; flops well | |
Aster | divaricatus | White aster with flopping stems; a great shade plant | |
Astrantia | major | `Hadspen Blood` | Deep maroon red flowers |
Astrantia | major | Large white bracts; very showy | |
Astrantia | major | White flowered form | |
Astrantia | major | Good reds and shaggy present in this garden; mix | |
Astrantia | major | Extremely large white flowers; some green on tips of bracts | |
Astrantia | major | White with green flowers have pincushion centers; Good cut flowers | |
Astrantia | maxima | Pink bracts | |
Beesia | calthifolia | Wonderful perennial with glossy green foliage. Sort of evergreen & curious flowers | |
Beesia | calthifolia | “Lovely woodland plant from China; Heart-shaped leaf w/ flowers 15″”” | |
Beesia | calthifolia | Siny green heart-shaped leaves; tiny white flowers | |
Beesia | “deltophylla (calthifolia)” |
“A wonderful shade perennial. Leaves are mottled in spring; rich deep green all summer. 12-18″”” | |
Begonia | boliviensis | Orange; red; showy all summer; annual; curious lop-sided flower structure | |
Begonia | boliviensis | Orange; red; showy all summer; annual; curious lop-sided flower structure | |
Berkheya | purpurea | Spring plant with large silver white flowers | |
Beschorneria | septentrionalis | large coarse plant with huge seed pots; from a pot in Sooest Garden | |
Billardiera | longiflora | Semi-evergreen vine with curious squarish blue fruit | |
Brassica | oleracea | “Originally from Russia via Jack Bucher; winter hardy; nice dark foliage to 5″”” | |
Briza | maxima | Rattlesnake grass; annual ornamental; used in dried arrangements | |
Briza | maxima | Rattlesnake grass; annual ornamental; used in dried arrangements | |
Bupleurum | fruticosum | Evergreen shrub with chartreuse flowers very late in the season | |
Bupleurum | rotundifolium | “Chartreuse yellow flowers on 10″” stems; Annual” | |
Bupleurum | salicifolium | Taller perennial with chartreuse flower heads | |
Callendula | officianalis | “Old fashioned “”Pot Marigold””. Annual in oranges and yellows (Lyon Street)” | |
Camassia | leichtlinii | subsp. leichtlinii | The single white camas; flower stems to about 2′ |
Campanula | hanbusaya | From the Marian Raitz Garden; Save this plant! | |
Campanula | lactiflora | Large plants; pale lavender blue; a very fine background plant | |
Campanula | latifolia | Blue bell-shaped flowers; longer than wide; long-lived perennial | |
Campanula | medium | “Cup and saucer in blue/rose/white; to 24-30″” tall” | |
Campanula | persicifolia | Good narrow leaf; Peach Leaf bellflower; blue flowers | |
Campanula | persicifolia | Peach Leaf bellflower; good perennial that can seed about | |
Campanula | persicifolia | `Alba` | Peach leafed bell-flower |
Cardamine | enneaphylla | A sweet perennial; spring ephemeral pale flowers; forms a curious mess of tuber-like roots | |
Cardiocrinum | giganteum | The largest lily; pendant; fragrant flowers on spikes that can get to 12′ or more | |
Carex | glaucesens | Easy growing blue-green leaf carex; will seed about some | |
Carex | testacea | Orange sedge; nice winter color | |
Caryopteris | x clandonensis | `Dark Night` | Deciduous shrub with very dark blue flower spikes |
Caryopteris | x clandonensis | `Dark Knight` | A very dark blue flowered small deciduous shrub (Kirkland) |
Cerinthe | major | `Purpurascens’ | Honeywort; Strongly purple bracts on an arching annual (2′ spread) Bet plants germinate late winter. |
Cerinthe | major | `Purpurascens’ | Annual from the Mediterranean; Purple bracts; grey-green foliage (England) |
Cerinthe | major | `Purpurascens’ | Honeywort; Strongly purple bracts on an arching annual (2′ spread) Bet plants germinate late winter. |
Chaerophyllum | hirsutum | `Roseum` | Large clumping perennial with nice rosy pink umbels; similar to Queen Anne’s Lace; but softer. |
Chaerophyllum | hirsutum | `Roseum` | The soft pink flowered perennial with flowers like Queen Anne’s Lace |
Chamaemelum | sp. | “Tall; scentless feverfew-like annual; single 1″” white flowers; 1/2″” yellow half-dome center” | |
Chenopodium | album | Epazote | Fragrant seed and plants; Annual herb used in mexican cooking |
Chenopodium | album | Epazote | Fragrant seed and plants; Annual herb used in mexican cooking |
Chenopodium | ambrosoides | Epazote | Smell the seed; Annual herb used in mexican cooking |
Chenopodium | ambrosoides | Epazote | Annual herb used in mexican cooking |
Chenopodium | giganteum | `Magenta Spreen` | Tall annual; new leaves are edged in magenta. Lamb’s quarters. Youngest leaves are edible |
Chionochloa | rubra | Extra seed from 2007; One of the best of NZ grasses | |
Chionochloa | rubra | Probably the best grass-like plant fron NZ. Thin evergreen foliage changes color in winter. | |
Chionochloa | rubra | Best of New Zealand Grasses; clean seed | |
Chrysanthemum | maximum | Seed from a nice large-flowered form of maximum (Not L. vlugaris) | |
Cimicifuga (Actea) | simplex | Atropurpurea Group `Black Negligee` | Dark leafe snake root; fragrant late flowers (white) |
Clematis | recta | `Peveril’ | White starlike flowers; Non-vining. Parent of this herbaceous perennial is more compact than type. (NL) |
Clerodendrum | tricotomum | Dried berry; tree to 20′ with fragrant white flowers and showy cerise red bracts; blue fruit | |
Commelina | tuberosa | “Coelestis Group; Very blue flowers; late summer; 18″” tall; Full sun; good drainage and winter dry” | |
Consolida | ajacis | Larkspur; double light blue | |
Consolida | ajacis | Larkspur; mostly blue annual; broadcast | |
Consolida | ajacis | Larkspur; mostly blue annual; broadcast | |
Convallaria | majalis | Perennial Lily of the Vally; extremely fragrant; vigorous spreading groundcover | |
Coptis | omeiensis | Slow growing; probably clumping; groundcover | |
Coreopsis | grandiflora | `Early Sunrise` | “Double golden yellow flowers on 15″” stems” |
Coriandrum | sativum | Coriander for seed or culinary use | |
Corydalis | nobilis | large coarse biennial or short-lived perennial; yellow flowers; grey-green foliage | |
Corydalis | ochroleuca | Very similar to C. lutea but with pale yellow flowers; Seeds about but not a problem. | |
Corydalis | scouleri | Our native Dutchman’s breeches; pink. | |
Corydalis | semperviriens | Short-lived but very sweet; pink flowers with a yellow tip; blue-grey foliage | |
Corydalis | sp. | “Bronze grey-green foliage; yellow flowers to 18″”; biennial or annual” | |
Cosmos | bipinnatus | `Sonata Pink` | Annual; 2′ tall cosmos in a nice clear pink |
Cosmos | bipinnatus | Annual from Annie’s Annuals; A wonderful yellow cosmos | |
Crithmum | maritimum | Samphire; Originally from Annie’s Annuals | |
Crocosmia | x crocosmiflora | `Emberglow’ | Smaller dark red flowers later than ‘Lucifer’ |
Crocosmia | `Lucifer` | Tallest of the Crocosmias | |
Crocosmia | `Lucifer` | Large bright red flowers to 4′ tall | |
Crocosmia | `Lucifer` | Red flowers; strap like foliage | |
Cyclamen | hederifolium | Mixed colors of the fall-blooming hardy cyclamen | |
Cyclamen | hederifolium | Fall flowering will form very large tubers | |
Cynara | cardunculus | Cardoon; Large bold gray-green deeply divided leaves | |
Cynara | cardunculus | Cardoon. Spring stems as a vegetable; purple thistle like flowers (CUH) | |
Cytissus | maderensis | Bright yellow flowers on this pea-family shrub. Hardy to 36^ | |
Dahlia | `Bishop of Llandaff` | Dark leaf Dahlia with very red flowers; semi double to 3′ (CUH) | |
Datisca | cannabina | One of the last perennials to 8′ plus; pendant clusters of greenish yellow flowers | |
Datura | meteloides | (inoxia) White up facing fragrant flowers; Jimson weed | |
Decaisnea | fargesii | “Caning shrub to 12’+; deciduous; fruit is blue and full of jelly “”Dead man’s fingers””” | |
Delphinium | elatum | Single; dark purple flower; parent of modern hybrids | |
Delphinium | elatum | Single dark purple flower; parent of modern hybrids | |
Delphinium | requienii | Glossy leaf; smoky blue; biennial or annual; not in production | |
Dianthus | barbatus | `Sooty’ | Sweet William; Maroon-chocolate flowers |
Dictamnus | albus | White flowered form of the ‘Gas Plant’; Long lived clumping perennial for full sun. | |
Dictamnus | albus | var. purpureus | The ‘Gas Plant’ with very aromatic foliage and purple-pink flowers; Vertical habit 2-3′; very long lived. |
Dictamnus | purpurea | The ‘Gas Plant’ with very aromatic foliage and purple-pink flowers; Vertical habit 2-3′; very long lived. | |
Dierama | dracomontanum | “Screaming hot pink; small stature to about 18″” high” | |
Dierama | pulcherimum | Nodding pink flowers on arching stems ‘Angel’s fishing wand’ | |
Dierama | pulcherimum | Lavender pink pendant bells; ‘Angel’s fishing wand’ | |
Dierama | pulcherimum | Rose pendant bells; ‘Angel’s fishing wand’ | |
Dierama | pulcherimum | Deep purple flowers similar to `Blackbird’; ‘Angel’s fishing wand’ | |
Dierama | pulcherimum | Nodding pink flowers on arching stems ‘Angel’s fishing wand’ | |
Digitalis | laevigata | Soft orange yellow digitalis; smaller flowered and stiffer than D. purpurea | |
Digitalis | lutea | Nice strong perennial flower spikes to 3’+ and small yellow flowers | |
Digitalis | purpurea | `Alba` | Pure white foxglove |
Digitalis | purpurea | Pink foxgloves; lots of seed to broadcast | |
Digitalis | purpurea | Mixed colors | |
Digitalis | thapsi | `Spanish Peaks’ | Very similar to D. purpurea; but shorter and more compact form of foxglove |
Dioscorea | batata | “Bulbils; soak before planting; “”Cinnamon Vine””; perennial tuber; Named for flower scent” | |
Dodecatheon | sp | Pink flowered Shooting Star | |
Eccremocarpus | scaber | Light orange tubular flowers on this somewhat perennial vine | |
Eccremocarpus | scaber | Cerise-red; orange lip; Blooms all summer til frost; Perennial vine 6′ and up | |
Echinacea | purpurea | `Doppleganger` | Purple coneflower with an extra set of small petals on top of the cone |
Echinacea | purpurea | `Doppelganger` | Coneflower with a pink top knot which usually shows the second year |
Echinacea | purpurea | Mixed colors of cone flower | |
Epimedium | campanulatum | Perennial | |
Eranthis | hyemalis | Winter Aconite; spring ephemeral w/ yellow flowers | |
Eranthis | hyemalis | Small; spring ephemeral; will seed about some and form large colonies; yellow flowers | |
Eryngium | agavifolium | Thistle-like heads of small white flowers | |
Eryngium | bourgattii | Striking foliage and blue thistle-like flower heads | |
Eryngium | planum | `Jade Frost’ | Variegated leaf. May be short lived; may not come true from seed. |
Eryngium | umbelliferum | Spiky but not nasty flat foliage; Small pale flowers; from Kelly Dodson | |
Erythronium | revolutum | Pink fawn lily | |
Eschscholzia | californica | California popy mostly an orange bi-color from the Wallingford neighborhood | |
Eschscholzia | sp. | Small flowered; clean butter yellow; california poppy relative | |
Eucomis | bicolor | Pineapple Lily’ will form very large bulbs; named for flower scent | |
Eucomis | bicolor | Pineapple Lily’ will form very large bulbs; named for flower scent | |
Euonymus | alatus | Very heavy fruiting spindle bush; dried berry | |
Euphorbia | amygdaloides | var. robbiae | Mrs. Robb’s Bonnet; Rare seed; hard to collect |
Euphorbia | amygdaloides | var. robbiae | Mrs. Robb’s Bonnet; Evergreen spreading perennial; good in dry shade |
Euphorbia | characias | Large heads of chartreuse flowers; Perennial spurge | |
Euphorbia | characias | ssp. Wulfenii | Evergreen spurge; blue-green leaves; large heads of chartreuse bracts and flowers |
Euphorbia | characias | `Portuguese Velvet` | Leaves are more hairy and plant is shorter than E. ch. |
Euphorbia | characias | ssp. Wulfenii | Large heads; chartreuse flowers; very large parent plant |
Euphorbia | characias | subsp. Wulfenii | A very large parent plant |
Euphorbia | characias | ssp. Wulfenii | Evergreen spurge; blue-green evergreen foliage to about 1.5′ topped by large heads of chartreuse flowers |
Euphorbia | characias | Large heads of chartreuse flowers; Perennial spurge | |
Euphorbia | robbiae | `Mrs. Robb`s Bonnet` | Evergreen spurge for dry shade |
Euphorbia | sp. | A smaller form of E. schillingii; grey green foliage with a white line in center of leaf | |
Euphorbia | stricta | `Golden Foam` | Pale green foliage; red stems; Annual; Rare; Great filler |
Fagopyrum | esculentum | Buckwheat; clusters of white flowers; annual cover crop; full packets | |
Ferula | communis | Giant Fennel; Yellow flowers in rounded heads on stems up to 8′ tall | |
Fibigia | clypeata | Sometimes called bladder-pod for the curious lined-up roundish seed pods | |
Francoa | ramosa | Fairy Wand; Broad foliage; tiny flowers on a long stem | |
Francoa | sonchifolia | `Fairy wands` | Shade flowering; many small white flowers on straight stems |
Francoa | sonchifolia | Shade flowering; many small white flowers on straight stems | |
Francoa | sonchifolia | “Pink flowers on 24″” stems above rich green foliage” | |
Fremontodendron | californicum | CA native shrub with large golden yellow flowers | |
Fumaria | officinalis | Annual weaver from Europe; Pink flowers with blue lips | |
Fumaria | officinalis | Annual little weaver; pink with black lips | |
Fumaria | officinalis | Pale pink flowers with black lips; a charming annual weaver; to about 3′ or so | |
Fumaria | sp. | Bob’s little yellow weaver; annual; clusters of tiny pale flowers; rambles to about 4’+ | |
Fumeria | officinalis | Annual weaver; pink flowers with black lips | |
Galtonia | candicans | Summer hyacinth; Pendant white flowers; to 3′ tall | |
Galtonia | viridiflora | Similar to; but shorter htan G. candicans; Almost green flowers | |
Gaura | lindheimeri | Pale pink flowers & red stems; Short lived perennial | |
Gentiana | asclepiadea | Blue flowers on this willow gentian | |
Gentiana | asclepiadea | Deep blue flowers on this willow gentian | |
Gentiana | asclepiadea | Deep blue tubular flowers on arching stems | |
Gentiana | asclepiadea | Deep blue flowers on this willow gentian | |
Geranium | bohemicum* | Annual vigorous Geranium; small blue flower(*probably) | |
Geranium | pyrenaicum | `Bill Wallis` | Small very blue flowers; This is a very vigorous form of this plant; does seed around. |
Geranium | sanguineum | Perennial geraniums ‘Bloody Cranesbill’ | |
Geranium | sp. | `Brookside` | Blue flowers; finely divided palmate leaves; will seed about some |
Geum | calthifolium | ||
Gillenia | trifoliata | Excellen perennial to 3′ in shade; star like white flowers | |
Gladiolus | communis | Pink flowered; The wild Glad. From Italy (grassy fields) | |
Gladiolus | papilio | Hardy glad. That will spred; curious greenish flowers on 3’+ stems (very narrow foliage) | |
Glaucium | flavum | v. fulvum | This is the dark orange horned poppy from Greece and the Mediterranean |
Glaucium | flavum | Yellow flowered horn poppy sprawls to 2 x 2′; long curved seedpods; Mediterranean; Annie’s Annuals | |
Glaucium | flavum or corniculatum | The golden yellow horned poppy; very long seed pods | |
Gunnera | perpensa | “Smooth leaves 8-10″” across; 15-18″” tall. Rich green flower ‘cones’ below foliage” | |
Hacquetia | epipactis | Charming spring bloomer; yellow flowers age to green and persist to summer | |
Helleborus | argutifolius | It’s still from corsica; compact parent plant | |
Helleborus | argutifolius | (corsicus) Seed is from Marian’s very compact parent plant; choice | |
Helleborus | argutifolius | (corsicus) Large evergreen with chartreuse flowers | |
Helleborus | corsicus | Evergreen perennial with large clusters of green cuplike flowers (will be started in dry shade) | |
Helleborus | corsicus | (Argutifolius) Evergreen; Early spring flowers in bright green | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Cup shaped; pink; very nice; parent from NW Garden Nursery in OR | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Lenten Rose; White and Pink mix | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Mix | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Large pink flowers; Royal Heritage strain | |
Helleborus | orientalis | The lenten rose; Evergreen with Star shaped white flowers | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Red flowered lenten Rose; Evergreen perennial | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Chartreuse foliage; pale pink flowers with some spots; light green carpels | |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | Yellow flowers |
Helleborus | orientalis | Large scale plant; dark maroon flowers | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Mix | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Mauvy rose with narrow white edge | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Pink marbled double parent from Gisela Schmiemann; seeds are curiously brown | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Small cup-shaped flowers; veined rose pink | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Center star | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Beautiful glowing dark red | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Mixed darks parents from Gisela Schmiemann | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Big; vigorous white parent | |
Helleborus | orientalis | White uniform linear speckles ‘stitched’ wide white margin | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Slate-y green/tourquoise green face; Helleborus Torquatis parentage | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Best slate | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Anemone flowered parents | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Narrow leafed dark | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Late flowering; Gisela Schliemann Mix | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Mix; second generation | |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | (orientalis) Dark center to sepals with a cream edge |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | Dark red center feathers to lines and a creamy edge; choice |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | Rose pink |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | Anemone centered mix nectaries are short petals |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | Bob’s favorite by stump |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | Dark red parent; originally from Gisela Schmiemann |
Helleborus | orientalis | x hybridus | Wide star-shaped with sepals darkly masked; very nice |
Helleborus | orientalis | Mix | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Best dark speckled; light margin | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Pink mix | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Best star shaped white | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Mixed darks | |
Helleborus | orientalis | Good stitched flat open flower | |
Hemerocallis | cv. | `Stella d’Oro` | Small flowers on a medium sized day lily |
Heuchera | villosa | `Palace Purple` | Purplish bronze evergreen foliage |
Horminum | pyrenaicum | Deep blue flowers; a small scale plant | |
Hosta | cv. | Seed from H. `Ginko Craig’ | |
Iberis | umbellata | Annual Candytuft; Mixed lavender; pink; and white; An easy self-sowing annual for the border edge | |
Iberis | umbellata | Annual candytuft; seeds about some; mixed colors; easy and a sweet plant | |
Iberis | Annual candytuft; mixed colors | ||
Impatiens | glandulifera | This is a big pink one; annual; Summer fragrance of apricots | |
Impatiens | sp. | “Annual pale yellow; “”Touch-me-not”” gets to to 2.5′” | |
Impatiens | sp. | Pale yellow large annual impatiens; hirsute leaves | |
Impatiens | sp. | Pale yellow with prominent maroon spots in throat; Annual; will seed about. | |
Incarvillea | zhongdianensis | Cerise flowers; Sun; good drainage; Originally from Ted Milam | |
Inula | magnifica | Late flowered large scale perennial; clustered yellow flowers | |
Iris | siberica | Mix; late harvest seeds | |
Iris | Pacific Coast Hybrid | Reddish purple; gold markings | |
Iris | Pacific Coast Hybrid | Blue with yellow | |
Iris | Pacific Coast Hybrid | Large clear blue flowers | |
Iris | “Pacific Coast Hybrid `Big Money`” |
Yellow | |
Iris | Pacific Coast Hybrid | Purple/white | |
Ixiolirion | tataricum | “Tartar lily; abundant clusters of up to 4 flowers on 16″” stem; grasslike leaves” | |
Kirengeshoma | palmata | The shuttlecock flower; long lived perennial yellow flowers; shade | |
Kirengeshoma | palmata | The shuttlecock flower; creamy yellow | |
Knautia | macedonica | Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about | |
Knautia | macedonica | Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about | |
Knautia | macedonica | Deep garnet colored pincushion flowers on tall thin stems to about 3/5′ | |
Knautia | macedonica | Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about | |
Knautia | macedonica | Garnet red pincushion flowers on tall thin stems all summer; perennial; short-lived and seeds about | |
Koelreuteria | paniculata | Large tree with curious inflated seed pods; very open if grown in shade | |
Lamium | orvala | Good clumping perennial with large pink flowers whorled at leaf axils | |
Lamium | orvala | Large pink flowers on this ‘dead nettle’; very nice perennial | |
Lamium | orvala | Large pink flowers on this ‘dead nettle’; very nice perennial | |
Lathyrus | latifolius | `White Pearl` | Perennial pure white pea; no scent; very nice form |
Lathyrus | latifolius | Perennial wild pink-white pea; no scent; Kirkland; WA; | |
Lathyrus | odoratus | Mixed colors; Tall | |
Lathyrus | odoratus | `Cupani` | Dark reddish purple; extremely fragrant sweet pea; very old cultivar |
Lathyrus | odoratus | ‘Black Knight’ | Very dark flowered sweet pea |
Lathyrus | odoratus | `April in Paris` | Sweet pea |
Lathyrus | odoratus | Dark Burgundy | |
Lathyrus | odoratus | Annual sweet pea; heritage mix | |
Lathyrus | vernus | Spring vetching; clumping perennial pea; blue-purple flowers | |
Lathyrus | vernus | Spring vetching; clumping perennial pea; blue-purple flowers | |
Lathyrus | vernus | `Filifolius’ | The narrow grassy leaved form of spring vetchling; Choice clumping perennial; purple/blue; 1×2′ (England) |
Lathyrus | vernus | The spring vetchling in purple; a very nice perennial | |
Lathyrus | vernus | Spring vetching; clumping perennial pea; blue-purple flowers | |
Lavatera | x clementii | Seed from reverted ‘L. Barnesley’ | |
Lavendula | angustifolia | Seed from several cultivars of English lavender | |
Lavendula | angustifolia | `Royal Velvet` | the darkest of the English Lavenders; lots of seed |
Levisticum | officinale | Lovage; Perennial to 2.5′ or so | |
Lewisia | columbiana | Native Lewisia | |
Lewisia | cotyledon | Mixed colors; full range including white | |
Lewisia | cotyledon | Mix of all colors; evergreen perennial performs well in pots | |
Lewisia | cotyledon | A narrow leaf; compared to L. cotyledon; but these are probably hybrid seeds of the above | |
Lewisia | cotyledon/columbiana | Mix of all colors | |
Lewisia | cotyledoncolumbiana | mixed colors and species | |
Liatris | spicata | Purple ‘Texas Gay Feather’ forms woody underground root | |
Lilium | martagon | Seed from New Zealand hybrids; lots of seed | |
Lilium | sp. | 5-6′ tall; pink recurved flowers | |
Lilium | `Martagon’ | Dark and light mix | |
Limonium | sp. | Perennial small scale statice; small pale blue flowers | |
Linaria | purpurea | `Natalie` | A very nice lavender toadflax; A bit more behaved than the type; sets very little seed |
Linaria | purpurea | Tiny blue-purple snapdragon-like flowers on 3′ spikes; very linear foliage | |
Linaria | purpurea | Lavender purple to about 2.5′; good for poor soil; seeds about | |
Linaria | purpurea | Standard violet color; linear grey-green foliage | |
Lobelia | cardinalis | `Queen Victoria` | Very dark red flowers and deep maroon foliage; A nice contrast in the border; Bait for slugs |
Lobelia | cardinalis | `Queen Victoria` | Maroon foliage and intensly red flowers on this perennial; for moist locations |
Lobelia | tupa | Large; stately perennial with curiously shaped red flowers on stems to 3’+ | |
Lunaria | annua | “var. albi flora `Alba Variegata`” |
Annual Honesty; seed in fall |
Lunaria | annua | `Variegata` | “with “”pink”” (light lavender purple) flowers” |
Lunaria | annua | `Rosmary Verey` | Purple foliage and darker flowers; a very choice form of Honesty |
Lunaria | annua | `Variegata` | White and green variegated foliage with regular purple flowers; Biennial Honesty |
Lunaria | rediviva | Perennial Honesty; spice scented flowers | |
Lunaria | rediviva | The perennial Honesty; fragrant lavender to white flowers | |
Lupinus | cv. | “Dwarf lupine; 18-24″”; mixed colors” | |
Lupinus | `Morello Cherry` | ||
Lupinus | Russell Hybrids | “Lupine to 36-48″” tall; mixed colors” | |
Lupinus | Russell Hybrid; pink parent | ||
Lychnis | chalcedonica | Maltese Cross flower; pink form; 1-2′ | |
Lychnis | chalcedonica | Maltese cross plant | |
Lychnis | coronaria | Grey foliage; pink flowers (Agrostemma) | |
Lychnis | coronaria | White form of Rose Campion; Plants NOT isolated | |
Lychnis | coronaria | Rose Campion dark magenta pink; grey basal leaves | |
Lychnis | x haageana | Lumina Series | Salmon; dwarf campion |
Lysimachia | ephemerum | Good grey blue foliage; white flowers; parent is growing on a log in the lake | |
Lysimachia | ephemerum | Small white flowers on spikes above variable blue-grey foliage; forms large clumps | |
Lysimachia | ephemerum | Blue grey foliage; clumping perennial; small white flowers | |
Lysimachia | yunanensis | Small white flowers; grayish maroon foliage; small stature perennial | |
Lysimachia | yunanensis | Grey-green foliage with spikes of small light pink flowers; red round seedpods; 2.5′ | |
Macleaya | cordata | Plume poppy to 8′; rarely sets seed. Large blue grey leaves. Don’t compost root. | |
Malva | moschata | f. alba | White mallow with small clear white hollyhock-like flowers; No rust; very perennial |
Malva | sp. | Wild native mallow; very bright white | |
Mathiola | Purple flowered perennial stock; extremely fragrant; semi-woody; short lived; Loghouse plants | ||
Mathiola | Semi-woody perennial Stock; Silvery gray foliage; fragrant | ||
Mathiola | Semi-woody perennial Stock; Silvery gray foliage; fragrant | ||
Mathiola | Fragrant flowers on this semi-woody; white flowered perennial; Striking gray-green wide foliage | ||
Matthiola | Purple flowered perennial; semi woody perennial stock; short lived; very fragrant | ||
Meconopsis | betonicifolia | Himalayan blue poppy | |
Meconopsis | cambrica | Yellow flowered welsh poppy | |
Meconopsis | cambrica | Orange Welsh poppy; Perennial; will seed about | |
Meconopsis | cambrica | Yellow Welsh poppy; Perennial; will seed about | |
Meconopsis | cambrica | `Muriel Brown` | Double red-orange; shy seeder; but seeds about true |
Meconopsis | cambrica | Mixed orange & yellow | |
Meconopsis | cambrica | Yellow poppy-like flowers; scent of banana popsicles | |
Meconopsis | cambrica | All yellow population; perennial flowers have the scent of banana popsicles | |
Milium | effusum | `Aureum` | Bowles golden grass; very flowery; short lived; seeds about some |
Milium | effusum | `Aureum` | Golden grass; semi-perennial; light and airy when in seed |
Millium | effusum | `Aureum` | Bowles golden grass; very flowery; short lived; seeds about some |
Mimulus | cardinalis | “Golden-orange 1.5″” flowers; lanky growth. Once sold as ‘Golden Foam'” | |
Mirabilis | jalapa | Dark pinks & reds; Four o’ Clocks; Hardy with large perennial root; Fragrant in evening | |
Mirabilis | jalapa | Mixed; Four o’ Clocks; Makes a very large perennial root | |
Mirabilis | jalapa | Pink; light cerise; Four o’ Clocks | |
Mirabilis | jalapa | Mix of reds & magentas mostly; Four o’clocks; forms a woody perennial root | |
Mirabilis | jalapa | Hot pink; Four o’ Clocks | |
Mitella | breweri | (Native B. C.) green flowers on very thin stems; evergreen ground-cover for shade | |
Monarda | didyma | Red-flowered Bee Balm | |
Muscari | armeniacum | `Valerie Finnis` | Light blue grape hyacinth |
Muscari | armeniacum | `Valerie Finnis` | Light blue grape hyacinth |
Muscari | armeniacum | `Valerie Finnis` | Light blue grape hyacinth |
Nectaroscordum | siculum | Allium relative w/ nodding pink green&cream flowers in clusters on 2′ stems. Seed is rare | |
Nepeta | `Six Hills Giant` | Large bright blue flowered Nepeta to about 2.5′; Perennial | |
Nicandra | physalodes | Plain Form | Shoo fly plant; Annual; curious rattling seed pods |
Nicandra | physalodes | Variegated Form | Shoo fly plant; Annual; curious rattling seed pods |
Nicotiana | alata | Nice large flowers; mauve with a green back | |
Nicotiana | alata | “To about 18″”; Annual but can live over; Creamy green outside; dusty pink inside” | |
Nicotiana | alata | Tall form 3′; white | |
Nicotiana | alata | `Limelight’ | Large green flowers on this Annual |
Nicotiana | alata | `Perfume Antique Lime` | Flowering Tobacco; annual |
Nicotiana | alata | Flowering Tobacco hybrid; 8′ to 3’+; Brick and Green | |
Nicotiana | glutinosa | Stif plant with green and sort of red flowers; to 2′ tall | |
Nicotiana | knightiana | Sometimes sold as ‘Green Tears’; Annual; very nice; somewhat out-facing two-toned green tubes | |
Nicotiana | knightiana | Small green tubular flowers; Annual; N. k. `Green Tears` | |
Nicotiana | langsdorffii | “Green flowers on a 24″” plant “ | |
Nicotiana | langsdorffii | “Green flowers on a 24″” plant “ | |
Nicotiana | mutabilis | Flowering tobacco; semi-perennial; hot pink; pale pink; & white flowers at same time | |
Nicotiana | mutabilis | x of langsdorfii & alata? Small green tube red flare | |
Nicotiana | mutabilis | Flowering Tobacco; Pink; dark pink; and white flowers at same time. May be perennial if dry t hrough winter | |
Nicotiana | sylvestris | Pendant fragrant white tubes; semi perennial. Very nice; to 6′ | |
Nicotiana | sylvestris | The best for fragrance; can be perennial to 5′ plus long tubular pendant white flowers | |
Nigella | damascena | “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast” | |
Nigella | damascena | “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast” | |
Nigella | damascena | “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast” | |
Nigella | damascena | “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast” | |
Nigella | damascena | White and blue love in a mist | |
Nigella | damascena | “bright blue; “”Love in a Mist””; lacy foliage; seed to broadcast” | |
Ocimum | basilicum | Basil; the herb. Large leaf. | |
Ocimum | basilicum | Italian large leaf basil; annual | |
Ocimum | cv. | Mrs. Barnes Lemon Basil | |
Oenothera | versicolor | `Sunset Boulevard` | A strong color for Evening Primrose |
Omphalodes | linifolia | Annual navalword; very sweet to seed in rough sunny areas (England) | |
Ophiopogon | planiscapus | `Nigrescens` | Black Mondo Grass; winter harvest; about 75% black seedlings |
Ophiopogon | planiscapus | `Nigrescens` | Black mondo grass; washed seed; some green seedlings; evergreen and slowly spreading |
Origanum | vulgare | `Aureum` | Golden Oregano; gold-green foliage |
Orlaya | grandiflora | Annual with lacy white flowers; very nice; originally from Terrapin Gardens | |
Pachyphragma | macrophyllum | Fairly large round leaves; white flowers in spring; dies down by summer | |
Pachyphragma | macrophyllum | Semi-evergreen perennial groundcover with white flowers above foliage | |
Pachyphragma | macrophyllum | Semi-evergreen perennial groundcover with white flowers above foliage | |
Paeonia | mlokosewitschii | Molly the Witch; very choice species peony; pale yellow | |
Paeonia | mlokosewitschii | Pale yellow peony; Molly the witch; 5 seeds | |
Papaver | atlanticum | “Perennial poppy; single orange flowers on thin 12″” stems” | |
Papaver | atlanticum | “Perennial poppy; single orange flowers on thin 12″” stems” | |
Papaver | atlanticum | “Perennial poppy; single orange flowers on thin 12″” stems” | |
Papaver | atlanticum | `Flore Pleno` | Double orange poppy; long thin stems above foliage |
Papaver | beesii | Small orange/salmon flower | |
Papaver | orientale | Perennial single orange poppy; large flowers w/ petals like crepe paper | |
Papaver | orientale | Often called the Crepe Paper Poppy; Ruffled and frilled; perennial | |
Papaver | orientale | `Prince of Orange` | Perennial oriental poppy |
Papaver | somniferum | Shades of purple and lilac with dark blotch at base of petals | |
Papaver | somniferum | Double black peony type | |
Papaver | somniferum | Double black poppy | |
Papaver | somniferum | Fringed double red& black; may be `Boudoir Babe` | |
Papaver | somniferum | `Boudoir Babe` | Aptly named dark maroon and reddish purple; isolated populations; one of the best |
Papaver | somniferum | `Boudoir Babe` | Aptly named dark maroon and reddish purple; isolated populations; one of the best |
Papaver | somniferum | Mixed; unknown source | |
Papaver | somniferum | Double shredded China Red with a small dark blotch on outside petals | |
Papaver | somniferum | Lavender single poppy | |
Papaver | somniferum | Medium light pink with purple blotch | |
Papaver | somniferum | Pink with purple blotches; single | |
Papaver | somniferum | Medium pale pink with purple blotch; annual | |
Papaver | somniferum | Warm orange pink; annual | |
Papaver | somniferum | Bright pink with black blotches at base | |
Papaver | somniferum | Double pink annual popy | |
Papaver | somniferum | Lavender with black blotch/center; Annual | |
Papaver | somniferum | Single pink with purple blotch at base of petals; most common color in Seattle | |
Papaver | somniferum | `Boudoir Babe` | Dark purple and red semi-laced double; mostly isolated plants |
Papaver | somniferum | Medium purple single poppy | |
Papaver | somniferum | Single fringed red poppy; annual | |
Papaver | somniferum | Single dark purple poppy; annual | |
Papaver | somniferum | Mixed single poppies | |
Papaver | somniferum | Single mix; lots of seed to broadcast | |
Papaver | somniferum | Light lavender with darker lotch at the base of petals | |
Papaver | somniferum | Single China Red with dark blotch at base of petals; annual | |
Papaver | somniferum | Small single orange sherbet flowers on 2.5′ stems | |
Papaver | somniferum | Mixed colors; purple; lavender & double red | |
Papaver | somniferum | Mixed colors | |
Papaver | somniferum | `Lauren Springer Grape` | Annual; dark purple; dark blotch; isolated; blue grey foliage |
Peltoboykinia | watanabei | Large; palmate leaved shade perennial to 1′; creamy flowers | |
Penstemon | barbatus | var. praecox f. nanus `Rondo` | “Pink with a white throat; short lived perennial 10-12″” tall” |
Penstemon | barrettiae | Soft blue flowers; Evergreen | |
Penstemon | barrettiae | Evergreen spreading penstemon; blue to violet-blue flowers | |
Penstemon | heterophyllus | Zuriblau / Blue of Zurich | Very nice sky blue; Perennial |
Penstemon | strictus | An easy to grow blue penstemon; this one has aromatic seeds | |
Penstemon | strictus(?) | Nice blue perennial Penstemon | |
Penstemon | `Midnight` | Dark blue; perennial but short-lived | |
Penstemon | `Elvin Pink` | ||
Persicaria | orientalis | Annual to 6′; cerise pink flowers; first crop; Kiss me over the garden gate` | |
Persicaria | orientalis | Annual to 8’+ with pendant; light pink flower clusters | |
Persicaria | polymorpha | Plant to about 4′ with large clusters of white flowers; likes lots of water | |
Persicaria | virginiana | American perennial; small red flowers on thin stems; brown chevron on green leaves | |
Persicaria | virginiana | Nice perennial with many tiny; red flowrs on terminal spikes; green leaves have brown chevron | |
Peucedanum | verticillare | Umbel; Originally Piet Oudolf | |
Phaseolus | cv. | Yellow and green French Fillet beans; black seeds; mixed | |
Phlomis | purpurea | Grey-green evergreen small shrub; lavender pink flowers in summer | |
Phytolacca | americana | Pokeweed. To 10′; Hot pink stems; black fruit | |
Polemonium | caeruleum | Jacob’s ladder Perennial clear blue flowers | |
Polygonatum | verticillatum | Very tall Solomon’s seal with whorled leaves and red fruit (dried berry) | |
Polygonatum | `Blushing Purple` | Perennial for shade (dried berry); pale purple blush on flowers | |
Potentilla | atrosanguinea | Small blood-red flowers | |
Potentilla | fragariiformis | Large soft grey-green leaves and big yellow flowers; a very choice perennial (megalantha) | |
Potentilla | recta | var. sulphurea | “Lots of small yellow flowers on 18″” semi lax stems; can seed about” |
Potentilla | thurberi | Silver foliage; small red flowers; originally from Botanica | |
Potentilla | thurberi | “Small red flowers on arching 18″” stems all summer. Nice coarse grayish foliage (orig. from Botanica)” | |
Potentilla | `Don’s Silver` | (Argentina anserina) Incredible silver foliage; small yellow flowers (Annie’s Annuals; discontinued) | |
Potentilla | `Melton Fire` | Aptly named; intensly colored | |
Potentilla | `Red Velvet` | Very small red flowers on 2′ stems aboved toothed slightly grey-green foliage | |
Primula | florindae | Yellow & buff flowers in umbels on 2′ stems; very fragrant; will grow in wet locations | |
Primula | helodoxa | (prolifera); Farinose Primrose with yellow flowers in cluster on 1-1.5′ stems | |
Primula | japonica | Dark pink to dark magenta candelabra primrose; Can take wet feet; bait for slugs | |
Primula | japonica | Red candelabra primrose; likes moist soil | |
Primula | japonica | Mixed colors; Candelabra Primrose; pinks and splits | |
Primula | japonica | Dark red candelabra primrose; will take wet ground | |
Primula | vialii | Curious primrose with a conical spike of flowers | |
Rehmannia | elata | Perennial for shade; large pink flowers; Chinese Foxglove | |
Rudbeckia | fulgida | var. sullivantii `Goldsturm` | Bright golden yellow Black Eyed Susan; spreading perennial to 2′ high in flower |
Rudbeckia | fulgida | v. Sullivantii `Goldsturm` | Black-eyed Susan; spreading perennial; 2′ stems dark green foliage |
Ruellia | equisetiformis | Very linear plant with small green leaves and stems; small tubular red flowers (DeGrow) | |
Ruta | graveolens | `Variegata` | Probably not variegated from seed |
Salvia | argenta | “Big felty basal leaves; white flowers on 24″” infloresence” | |
Salvia | argentea | “Big felty basal leaves; white flowers on 24″” infloresence” | |
Salvia | argentea | Broad gray fuzzy leaves at the base with white flowers on 2.5′ spikes | |
Salvia | coahuilensis | “Deep purple small fragrant flowrs; narrow leaves; low plants; 15″” stalks” | |
Salvia | dolichantha | 2.5 feet; from Ted Milam | |
Salvia | forsskaolii | Large basal leaves; good sized flowers on widely branched stems | |
Salvia | forsskaolii | Coarse vigorous plants; stiff stems with large leaves; lots of large blue flowers with white center on tip | |
Salvia | hypergeia | Turkey; Felty gray leaves to 1′; lavender blue with white lip; unusual cream-colored seed | |
Salvia | microphylla | `Red Velvet` | Deep red flowers on woody plant with very thin stems |
Salvia | microphylla (?) | Pale pink flowers on woody plant | |
Salvia | officinalis | `Berggarten` | A nice large leaf form of common sage |
Salvia | patens | `Lavender Lady` | Very floriferous & perennial; One of Smarty Plants’ best salvias (C. Moffit) |
Salvia | patens | `Lavender Lady` | Pale lavender blue; a wonderful color; perennial originally from Smarty Plants |
Salvia | patens | Good blue; very large flowers; Perennial if a bit dry in winter | |
Salvia | praeclara | Small red flowers on a 3′ plant | |
Salvia | sp. | Early blooming pink; finishes by June | |
Salvia | sp. | Small plant with small red flowers; probably an annual; very floriferous | |
Salvia | sp. | Large blue-lilac flowers; white lip; Perennial; large seed | |
Salvia | sp. | Green leaf with deep blue flowers; very nice | |
Salvia | sp. | “To 5′; Sky blue flowers 1/2″” with white blotches on lip; Almost heart-shaped leaf; perennial” | |
Salvia | spathacea | Cerise pink flowers aromatic foliage; very sticky | |
Salvia | verticillata | `Purple Rain` | Nice dark lavender blue on dense spikes |
Salvia | cv. | Small very dark blue-purple flowers all summer; very dark foliage; choice. | |
Salvia | `Berzerkley` | Similar to Salvia gregii; cherry red flowers; vigorous & nice | |
Sandersonia | aurantiaca | Tender plant; translucent pendant orange lantern-like flowers | |
Sanguisorba | sp. | Large dark green compound leaves; light red bottle-brush flowers | |
Saruma | henryi | Heart-shaped leaves emerge steely-green in spring; small shy yellow flowers | |
Saruma | henryi | Curious shade perennial; pale yellow flowers; foliage emerges in spring with gray hairy leaves; turns green | |
Scabiosa | atropurpurea | `Ace of Spades’ | Dark Maroon. Perennial; seeds about a bit; |
Scabiosa | ochroleuca | Fine foliage; tall thin stems topped by small yellow pincushion flowers (S. Columbiana ssp ochroleuca) | |
Scabiosa | sp | Fine; thin foliage; yellow pin-cushion flowers | |
Scrophularia | auriculata | Green leaf form; small dark red flowrs; bees love this plant | |
Sidalcea | malvaflora | `Party Girl` | “Bright pink small hollyhock-like flowers 36″” tall perennial” |
Sisyrinchium | idahoense | var. bellum | Blue-eyed grass Deep blue late spring |
Sisyrinchium | idahoense | Purple flowers on this ‘blue eyed grass’ | |
Sisyrinchium | idahoense | var. bellum | Blue eyed grass |
Sisyrinchium | striatum | Iris-like foliage; yellow flowers on 2′ spikes; very floriferous; seeds about some | |
Smyrnium | perfoliatum | Perennial and self-sower; looks like Euphorbia’s chartreuse bracts. Seedlings go dormant abruptly | |
Smyrnium | perfoliatum | Chartreuse flower heads similar to Euphorbia; but without the milky sap; dies down in summer | |
Smyrnium | perfoliatum | “Chartreuse and bright yellow flowers 18-24″” tall; somewhat ephemeral; goes dormant in summer;” | |
Smyrnium | perfoliatum | “Chartreuse and bright yellow flowers 18-24″” tall; somewhat ephemeral; goes dormant in summer;” | |
Smyrnium | perfoliatum | Chartreuse flower heads; seeds about well; may be monocarpic | |
Solanum | atropurpureum | Black-thorned ornamental pepper; thorns everywhere and small orange fruit | |
Solanum | atropurpureum | This one has black thorns; small red fruits | |
Solanum | aviculare | “””Kangaroo Apple””; large subshrub to 6-8′; bright purple blue flowers with yellow stamens; golden fruit” | |
Solanum | aviculare | “Laciniatum; “”Kangaroo Apple””; A large semi-woody; semi-hardy plant; 2″” purple flowers followed by orange fruit” | |
Stachys | albotomentosa | `Hidalgo` | Gray felty leaves on an angular plant; Salmon flowers; aromatic foliage |
Stachys | monieri | Nice compact dark green-leaved plant with mauve pink pink flowers in short spikes | |
Stachys | `Hidalgo` | Felted grey-green foliage and quite orange flowers; short lived perennial | |
Stipa | tenuissima | Mexican feather grass; short-lived graceful grass; will seed about | |
Styrax | japonica | Larger leaf and larger flowers than type; tree to 25′ or so | |
Talinum | paniculatum | `Kingswood Gold` | Jewels of Opar; Chartreuse foliage; Branched stems of tiny pink flowers; then little red seed pods; Annual |
Talinum | paniculatum | Dwarf form Jewels of Opar; chartreuse foliage tiny pink flowers; | |
Tanacetum | niveum | Grey foliage and white flowers | |
Tanacetum | parthenium | Single white flowers; green foliage | |
Tanacetum | parthenium | `Aureum` | Golden Feverfew; bright chartreuse spring foliage; seeds about some. |
Tanecetum | parthenium | `Aureum’ | Golden Feverfew; seeds about a bit |
Teucrium | flavum | Somewhat yellow flowers on a mostly evergreen; choice plant | |
Teucrium | flavum | dark green leaves; pale yellow flowers | |
Thalictrum | acquilegifolium | Vary tall parent; lilac to white flowers | |
Thalictrum | delavayi | Very good parent to 6′ tall; clean seed | |
Thalictrum | rochebrunianum | Meadow Rue; 6-8′ x 2′ | |
Thalictrum | rochebrunianum | Tall meadoe rue to 6’+ | |
Thermopsis | caroliniana | Yellow pea flowers above foliage (villosa) | |
Tiarella | wherryi | Very nice as a shade ground cover; tiny white flowers on spike above foliage | |
Tigridia | pavonia | Mexican shell flower; grow in soil that is a bit dry in winter | |
Todea | barbara | Curious mustard relative; variegated foliage; short lived | |
Trillium | erectum | ||
Trollius | sp. | Globe flower; yellow blossoms; tall perennial to 2.5′ | |
Tropaeolum | majus | Nice light cream yellow nasturtium | |
Tulbaghia | violacea | `Alba` | Society garlic with white flowers; very aromatic foliage |
Tulipa | sprengeri | Good perennial tulip | |
Tulipa | tarda | Small species tulip | |
Tulipa | cv. | Old style lily-flowered yellow; section 7 | |
Tweedia | caerulea | Tender climber; A curious plant with a true sky blue flower; seeds and pods like milkweed (Annie’s Annuals) | |
Tweedia | caerulea | Bright blue flowers; short lived perennial; 1-2` tall; curious seed pod | |
Vancouveria | hexandra | Our native ground-cover; spreads well; upside-down white flower | |
Vancouveria | hexandra | “Our native deciduous groundcover; Aggressive; “”Upside-down flower””” | |
Verbascum | chaixi | `Album` | Dark green leaves; narrow spikes of white flowers |
Verbascum | sp. | Airy complex flower structure with small yellow flowers; very nice; originally from Greece | |
Verbascum | thapsus | The plain & simple Mullein; green felted leaves; yellow flowers on 2.5-4; spikes; Biennial | |
Verbascum | thapsus | Common mullein; tall spikes of yellow flowers; will seed about some | |
Verbascum | thapsus | Yellow flowered common mullein | |
Verbena | bonariensis | The Scrim Plant to 3’+; Light purple flowers all summer | |
Verbena | bonariensis | A great short lived plant; purple flowers used as a scrim; late color | |
Verbena | bonariensis | Light purple flowers on tall branching stems; the best of all scrim plants; seeds about a bit | |
Veronica | perfoliata | Parahebe; semi-evergreen perennial; small spikes of lavender flowers at end of foliage | |
Viola | adunca | Native aggressive viola for under Rhodies or other wastelands; lavender pink | |
Viola | labradorica | Strong growing and seeding ground cover. Dark foliage; lavender/purple flowrs | |
Wahlenbergia | congesta | Small blue flowers; Originally from Annie’s Annuals | |
Wahlenbergia | sp. | Perennial; basal leaves; roundish; rock garden plant; spikes of light blue flowers | |
Xanthorhiza | simplicissima | Yellow root; dark flowers; spreads underground; a very nice short woody plant | |
Zaluzianskya | capensis | Evening scented phlox; annual; incredible scent | |
Zanthoxylum | simulans | Tall shrub; pinnate leaves; good fall color; red warty seed pods; glossy black; oily seeds | |
Zigadenus | elegans | Tall spikes of small green/cream flowers above iris-like foliage | |
Zinnia | `Cherry Profusion` | “Cherry red to 12-18″” tall; annual” | |
“Black Millet; soft inflorescence is black; 12″”+” |
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