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Past Meetings

JUNE – Jan Whitner – The Chinese Garden: Four Variations

Jan Whitner The Chinese Garden: Four Variations Monday, June 21st, 2010, 6:30 – 9 pm The history and design of Chinese gardens are as rich and complex as Chinese culture itself.

MAY – Carrie Becker – Whatever I Want

Carrie Becker Whatever I Want Monday, May 17th, 2010, 7 – 9 pm I spoke about the things I have learned about plants over my career, from foliage color and texture, to why things grow where they do.

MARCH – Madeleine Dennison – Hardy Fuchsias

Madeleine Dennison Hardy Fuchsias Monday, March 15th, 2010, 7 – 9 pm Fuchsias are colorful perennials especially suited to our climate. They blend well with many different garden styles and color schemes and range from groundcovers to climbers. My slide show will display many different styles and colors – something for everyone.

JANUARY – Suzanne Ferris – The Oku Stone

Suzanne Ferris The Oku Stone January 18, 2010, 7 – 9 pm Suzanne Ferris shared her photographic impressions of Paul Smith and Julie King’s respective gardens. Both Paul and Julie share an interest in antipodeal (southern hemisphere) plants. Both use many of the same plants but in different contexts.

SEPTEMBER – Mary Ellen Asmundson – Sensational Saxifrages for the Garden

Mary Ellen Asmundson Sensational Saxifrages for the Garden Monday, September 21st, 2009, 7 – 9 pm The lecture covered the highlights of the complex genus, Saxifraga, and why it became one of my favorite group of plants. I had a powerpoint slide show illustrating saxifrages growing in gardens, in pots, and in alpine habitats. I […]