HPSW Meeting at CUHMonday, Sept 18th 7pm-9pmChristina Pfeiffer‘Gardening Beneath the Trees’Mature trees are a valued asset in the landscape. She will be sharing current best practices for protecting trees and improving results for companion plantings when installing new gardens and maintaining older plantings amidst the roots and shade of existing trees. Doors open at 6:30 […]
The sale will be outdoors, at HPSW’s plant nursery 14555 Stone Ave NShoreline, WA 98133Please bring your own boxes and bags for transporting purchasesWe accept Cash, Credit Cards and Checks.Questions? Contact Coral at missymouse@comcast.net Parking notes: Please don’t block the mailboxes on the east side of the street!Park, at an angle on the street in front of the house, […]
HPSW Annual Spring Plant Sale April 16th 10am-2pm at Center for Urban Horticulture The Center for Urban Horticulture – NHS Hall – 3501 NE 41st St. Seattle, WA MAP Many hardy perennials, ground covers for shade & sun. Many plants from our members gardens that are unique at great prices! Come early for best selection. Seeds […]
Summer Picnic is
Summer Plant Sale