HPSW Meeting -Monday June 27th – 7 to 9pm- Speaker: Anne Schuster

We are finally restarting our meetings!

Our first speaker will be Anne Schuster, Education Specialist, with the WA State Noxious Weed Control Board. Biologist with a passion for conserving habitats and species, while maintaining human livelihoods, through restoration and education.

Just for this meeting, we will be in the Douglas Classroom (in the building connected to the greenhouses at the south end of the main parking lot)

Doors open by 6:30, the meeting starts at 7pm

Mask wearing is requested when indoors.

Meconopsis betonicifolia photograph By Lynne Harrison
Updated Schedule for 2022
June 27th Anne Schuster, ID & Control of Noxious Weeds
July 16th Sat 10-4 Work party at Kandy’s, BYO Lunch
July 17th Sun 10-2 HPSW Summer Plant Sale at Kandy’s
July or August Summer Picnic, at Heronswood, TBD
September 19th Darren Strenge, Gardening with Moss
October 16th Sun 10-2 HPSW Fall Bulb Sale at CUH
November 21th Patrick & Margaret Spence, Using Iris in Your Garden
December or January Holiday Party, Date & Location TBA

For our meetings, doors open at 6:30 for snacks, socializing, and seeds.
Everyone is welcome to bring packaged treats to share.

Center for Urban Horticulture, 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA 98105

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