Here’s a preview of the plant availability we’ll have at our Spring Plant Sale on Sunday, April 17th from 10am-2pm at the Center for Urban Horticulture. [PlantSaleList_2016]
Don’t Miss the Annual HPSW Bulb sale
Genus Species variety size # pots price Aconitum carmichaelii gal 4 $5 Aconitum napellus tall form gal 7 $4 Acorus gramineus true 4in. 16 $3 Aesculus californica 4in. 1 $8 Alchemilla mollis true 4in. 4 $3 Alchemilla erythropoda gal 7 $5 Anemone japonica gals 6 $4 Anemone nemerosa ‘Green Feather’ 4in. 5 $4 Aquilegia vulgaris […]
The Hardy Plant Society of Washington’s 3rd Annual Fall Bulb Sale Sunday October 13th, 2013-
General Notes General Bloom seasons are always approximate due to weather variations. E = Early EM = Early to Mid-season, M = Mid-season, ML = Mid to Late, L = Late Almost all Tulips and Narcissus are packaged 5 bulbs per bag. See label for all other bulbs, for bulb-count per bag. Always remove spent […]